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National-Origin Discrimination, Part 2: EEOC Issues New Guidance; What You Need to Know About Language Policies and Citizenship Discrimination

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently issued new guidance to help employers understand the prohibitions against national-origin discrimination and to suggest best practices for fostering a bias-free workplace. Last month, we reviewed what the guidelines have to say about employment decisions and workplace security issues. This month, we’ll explain the guidelines concerning language requirements […]

Survey Says: Break Claims Down, Misclassifications and Overtime Up

Meal/rest break claims are down significantly, while misclassifications and overtime cases remain strong, says the 7th Annual Litigation Trends Report from international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski LLP. Fulbright surveyed senior corporate counsel on their experiences and opinions regarding litigation. The survey had 403 participants, 275 whom were from the U.S. Of the U.S. companies […]

News Notes: New Disability Bias Law Is Not Retroactive

Changes to California’s disability bias laws, which took effect Jan. 1, 2001, broadened the class of disabled persons to include those with conditions that make a major life activity “difficult.” This new definition of a disability is a more lenient standard than the “substantial limitation” of a major life activity that was previously required under […]

Short Takes: Performance Goals

We have a service repair technician who is required to repair 12 instruments a year, but due to a 3-month Family and Medical Leave Act absence was only able to repair 6. May we view him as an unsatisfactory performer and reduce his merit raise?

Wal-Mart Class Action Update: Great News for Employers

In a very positive development for employers, the U.S. Supreme Court has unanimously dismissed the massive class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart. The lawsuit claimed that the organization systematically paid women less and did not provide equal opportunity for advancement.

The Top Stories of 2009—So Far

It’s hard to believe that we’re in July already. As we head into the second half of the year, we thought it might be helpful to look back at the articles that have resonated with our readers this year. So, without further ado, here are 10 of our most popular articles from the first half […]

Survey Shows What Employers Are Doing to Reduce Health Care Costs

By Stephen Bruce, PhD, PHR Managing Editor, HR Daily Advisor Just My E-pinion Big surprise—health care costs are going up. In our recent survey, 56% reported annual costs per employee in the $5,000-10,000 range (compared to 47% in last year’s survey), and 18% reported costs of over $10,000 per year (compared to 12 % in […]

News Notes: New Ergonomic Guidelines Available For Comment

OSHA has developed the first draft set of industry-specific ergonomic guidelines—Guidelines for Nursing Homes—as part of its comprehensive plan to reduce workplace ergonomic injuries. The guidelines address management practices, worksite analysis and control methods, and include examples of best practices in the nursing home industry.

Rules Could Require Fed Contractors to Hire a Certain Percentage of Disabled

Federal employers and contractors may soon have new disability regulations to follow, two federal agencies have announced. Both the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have said they will issue new regulations for the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination in hiring and employment practices by the federal government […]