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Meal Periods: Court Sheds Light on Issue of Providing Meal Breaks; Decision May Help Limit Employer Liability

In California, meal periods of no less than 30 minutes must be provided for an employee who works at least five hours, and two 30-minute meal periods are required for work shifts of more than 10 hours. Are employers responsible for making sure employees take their meal breaks? Or can employers just offer the meal […]

HRAs with Incentives Are Popular Wellness Offering

Yesterday’s Advisor presented findings from The Alliance for Wellness ROI, Inc.’s (Alliance) 4th Annual Survey of Corporate Wellness Programs. Today’s Advisor covers more survey data and introduces a unique program to help you with your wellness program. The Alliance for Wellness ROI, Inc. (Alliance), the organization that conducted the survey, is a nonprofit intercompany cooperative […]

News Notes: New Ergonomic Guidelines Available For Comment

OSHA has developed the first draft set of industry-specific ergonomic guidelines—Guidelines for Nursing Homes—as part of its comprehensive plan to reduce workplace ergonomic injuries. The guidelines address management practices, worksite analysis and control methods, and include examples of best practices in the nursing home industry.

Experts Describe Steps Needed to Begin Controlling Health Costs

Health costs have been growing much faster than the rate of inflation, and most observers agree that while health reform addresses the issue of access to insurance, it inadequately addresses the underlying problem: the cost of care itself. Unanswered questions surround reversing the unsustainable cost of health services. For example, would replacing the fee-for-service system […]

Survey Shows What Employers Are Doing to Reduce Health Care Costs

By Stephen Bruce, PhD, PHR Managing Editor, HR Daily Advisor Just My E-pinion Big surprise—health care costs are going up. In our recent survey, 56% reported annual costs per employee in the $5,000-10,000 range (compared to 47% in last year’s survey), and 18% reported costs of over $10,000 per year (compared to 12 % in […]

News Notes: Roundup Of Recent U.S. Supreme Court Action

In a flurry of employment-related activity, the high court ruled that state employees can’t sue for age discrimination under federal law, although they can still file suit under state law. Plus, the court upheld the following important decisions: the landmark Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal ruling that said Microsoft improperly treated temporary employees as independent […]