
Hiring 101 Part 2—What Are You Looking For?

Hiring 101 PART 2: In this video, HR Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about inning down exactly what you are looking for in a candidate. In our previous video, we looked at the 4 things you need to do before you start hiring.

Hiring 101 Part 1— 4 Things to Do Before You Start

In this video, HR Daily Advisor Editor Stephen Bruce talks about the 4 things you need to do before you start hiring. After you have completed these steps, you are ready to move ahead in the hiring process. In the next video in our series, we’ll pin down what you are looking for in a […]

6 Best Practices for Employers Considering Use of Criminal Record Information

In this new video, BLR Legal Editor Susan Prince discusses the elements of EEOC’s Enforcement Guidance on employer use of criminal record information when making employment decisions. Prince covers the basic elements of the EEOC Guidance—and explains some best practices EEOC outlined for employers considering use of criminal record information. Hello, my name is Susan […]

Avoiding Retaliation

Retaliation is now the leading basis for charges against employers. What should you be doing to avoid such charges? In the latest Compliance Corner video blog, HR Daily Advisor editor Stephen Bruce explains how to reduce your risk of a lawsuit.

Wage and Hour Lawsuits

Wage and Hour Lawsuits – what should you be looking out for? In the latest Compliance Corner video blog, HR Daily Advisor editor Stephen Bruce tells what you need to know.

HR Daily Advisor Compliance Corner – AEIS Interview with Audra Hamilton

Today’s question is: “We have an employee who is getting special treatment as an ADA accommodation. Her coworkers are complaining. What can we say to them?” In this special edition of the HR Daily Advisor Compliance Corner video blog, HR Daily Advisor editor Stephen Bruce talks to attorney Audra Hamilton from Tulsa, Oklahoma, about how […]

AEIS Interview with Al Vreeland

The National Labor Relations Board has issued a final regulation requiring all employers to post a notice of employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act. In the latest HR Daily Advisor Compliance Corner video blog, HR Daily Advisor editor Stephen Bruce talks to Albert Vreeland, shareholder in Lehr Middlebrooks & Vreeland P.C., in Birmingham, […]

Transferring an Employee on FMLA

You are allowed to transfer an employee who is using The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), but only if certain pay and benefit conditions are met. In the latest Compliance Corner video blog, HR Daily Advisor editor Stephen Bruce tells what you need to know.

Terminations and Documentation

Document, document, document. Isn’t that the rule? But doesn’t “at-will” mean you can fire an employee any time you want? In today’s HR Compliance Corner video blog, HR Daily Advisor editor Stephen Bruce looks at two termination scenarios that can equal big lawsuits for your company. SB: This is Steve Bruce for the HR Daily […]

Subordinate Dating Policy

What about supervisors asking subordinates for dates? Make sure you have an up-to-date policy to address interoffice dating. HR Daily Advisor editor Stephen Bruce looks at how to handle this tricky situation.