Search Results for: spanish

Let Me Introduce You to Your New ‘Personnel Assistant’ …

By BLR Founder and CEO Bob Brady Join BLR’s Founder and CEO on a guided tour through the newly upgraded and redesigned HR website, I tend to use this space to write about management challenges and HR issues, but let me assure you, I’m no ivory-tower CEO. As my people will tell you, I’m […]

Employment Law Tip: Is Your Workers’ Comp Poster Up-to-Date?

California employers are required to keep posted in a conspicuous place a notice stating the name of the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier or stating that the employer is self-insured. The notice must be easily understandable and posted in both English and Spanish (where there are Spanish-speaking employees). The notice must include the following details:

The Salvation Army … Discriminatory? Say It Isn’t So!

By BLR Founder and CEO Bob Brady Yes, Virginia (well, Massachusetts in this case), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) says that the red kettle brigade is guilty of violating Title VII. The Issue: Speaking English-Only.  Few organizations have the moral stature of the Salvation Army, yet the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently sued […]

Finally … A Reasonable Explanation of ADA Reasonable Accommodation …

… and the ADA’s other key term, “undue hardship,” made less unduly hard to understand. What foreign language did you take in school? French or Spanish, perhaps? Well, apparently, there are some pretty talented editors who took legalese … the ability to translate government regulatory jargon into understandable English … and they majored in it. […]

A Way to Keep Up with Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Changes

FMLA, already a complex law, may soon get more so. Here’s a program that explains the law now and is designed to keep you informed about how it may differ in the future. As yesterday’s Advisor story on the burgeoning “father-friendly workplace” movement illustrated, the pressure on business to allow employees greater work/life balance is […]

Bilingual Job Requirement OK’ed by Court

Here’s an interesting twist on a question we get all the time. We’re often asked, “Can I have an English-only rule in the workplace?” The answer is generally no, unless there are very strong business reasons dictating it. In this case, the question was, “Can I require a bilingual workforce?” The court said the answer […]

Sick Leave: San Francisco Voters Approve Paid Sick Leave Measure; A Sign of the Times?

Neither California nor federal law requires employers to give employees paid sick leave–but now, as a result of last November’s election, the city of San Francisco does. Sixty-one percent of San Francisco voters approved Proposition F, which requires one hour of paid sick leave per 30 hours worked. The ordinance, which takes effect Feb. 5, […]