Search Results for: pophal

Can Quiet Hiring Overtake Quiet Quitting?

If you were to brush up on some of the latest HR jargon, you’d probably wonder why everyone is being so quiet. Quiet quitting and quiet firing are prominent catchphrases describing employees’ doing just enough work not to get fired and employers’ pushing staff to quit, respectively. But these aren’t the only employment practices that […]

Training vs. Education

Training and education are clearly related concepts. However, we tend to use them in different contexts. Education is typically thought of as broad-based and general, at least with respect to a particular field—i.e., studying British history or thermodynamics. In contrast, training tends to be much more specific, such as training to operate a forklift or […]

The Workers Seeking a ‘Soft Life’

Employers love when they find staff who are passionate about their careers and the work they do—workers who turn that passion into committed engagement and are willing to put in long hours and tolerate stress and demanding tasks in order to get the job done. Of course, that kind of commitment is great for an […]

The New Trend of “Quiet Firing”

Until recently, most people weren’t familiar with the concept of (or even the term) “quiet quitting.” Thanks to remarkable media buzz around the subject, employees’ doing just enough on the job but not going above and beyond is now part of the common parlance of corporate America. But those who think they’re up to speed […]

The Pros and Cons of Hiring Candidates Who Are Job Hopping Not Just Jobs, But also Careers

Thirty years ago, an applicant with a string of 1- to 2-year tenures with previous employers may have been a big red flag for a hiring manager. That kind of job hopping has traditionally been seen as a lack of commitment or a sign of someone who simply couldn’t figure out what he or she […]

Unique Passion Drives Broad and Meaningful Impact

While many of the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders we speak to as part of our ongoing series on DEI executives came into those roles almost fortuitously, our subject for this iteration has been involved in DEI efforts since his college days. Darrell L. Johnson, Jr., MBA, is the manager of diversity and inclusion programs […]

Pumpkin Spice and Fantasy Football: Fall Is Here!

As September progresses, millions of Americans are looking forward to fall colors, pumpkin spice everything, and the start of the NFL season, even as they lament the end of summer. The start of professional football also means the start of fantasy football for the millions of Americans who participate in leagues every year. For the […]

The Corporate Pushback to Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic was a major shock to the globe in so many ways, like the millions of deaths and hundreds of millions of infections, supply chain shocks, new and large-scale government health and safety regulations, and massive spending on vaccine research and social safety nets. While these impacts have been subsiding as the pandemic […]

Understanding and Taking Steps to Address ‘Quiet Quitting’

There’s a new term floating around for an old workplace challenge. “Quiet quitting” is the popular new catchphrase to describe employees who don’t actually quit but just continue to perform the essential requirements of their jobs and don’t go above and beyond or put in extra effort to stand out as star performers. At first […]

Acknowledging Uncertainty to Encourage Prompt Action

There’s a strange phenomenon that afflicts countless people around the world, regardless of professional status, education, culture, etc., when they’re faced with uncertainty: They tend to panic, freeze, do nothing, or hesitate and avoid making tough decisions precisely at the point when prompt action is essential. It’s human nature to fall into this trap. Difficulty […]