Best Practice White Papers

The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting

Sponsored Content: In this eBook, “The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruiting,” Jobvite explores which mistakes might be holding you back from successfully navigating today’s dynamic recruiting environment.

Millennials—Narcissistic Trophy Winners, or the Future of Your Company?

Whether Millennials are narcissistic is up for debate, but whether they are the future of your company is not. The Boomers are leaving and the Millennials are going to fill those shoes, like it or not. Download this free detailed guide, courtesy of iCIMS, to learn more about how this younger generation can seamlessly fit into your workplace community.

Talent Acquisition 2013: Hire the Best and Spend Less Doing It!

Is it really getting harder to recruit and retain qualified employees? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Download this report today to see how talent acquisition in 2013 is a changing landscape that has employers rethinking the workplace environment, nontraditional work arrangements, new recruiting resources, and much more.

HRIS: Track, Train, and Transform Your Workplace

The Human Resources Information System (HRIS) illustrates the demanding workload and preciousness of every moment of the HR professional’s day. This 8-page white paper will outline how an HRIS can be used as a strategic toolkit for your most common HR functions.