Tag: ACA

Lumber Company Settles DOL Allegations of ACA, ERISA Violations

Fiduciaries of a major Western lumber producer’s group health plan have agreed to settle the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) allegations that the plan violated claims procedure and other requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

Retirement Benefits: Better at Attracting Employees than Health Care?

A recent survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of Nationwide found that 29% of SMBs with less than 300 employees who offer 401(k) retirement plans and plan to increase contributions say that they are doing so because the ACA has made health benefits less attractive to employees. Additionally, 43% of SMBs who plan […]


Managing Employee Status Changes Under the Affordable Care Act

By Jennifer Carsen, JD, Senior Legal Editor So, you think you’ve got a pretty good handle on this whole Affordable Care Act (ACA) thing. You know that you’re an applicable large employer (or ALE—and that “ALE” isn’t merely that thing you want to drink a lot of after a day of filling out ACA paperwork).

Boomerangs and the Affordable Care Act

In yesterday’s Advisor, we heard from senior legal editor at BLR®, Jennifer Carsen, JD, concerning how to handle tricky Affordable Care Act (ACA) situations. Today we present more on that topic.