Tag: Baby Boomers

Keeping the boom going: Baby boomers continue strong hold on workforce

Today’s workers are likely to celebrate their 65th birthdays with a cake and a short gathering of coworkers in the break room – not with a big retirement party complete with the awarding of a gold watch. Retirement has taken on a new look, and employers must be ready for that trend to continue. The […]

Employers have opportunity to capitalize on a graying workforce

by Tammy Binford Is it a “silver tsunami” or barely a ripple in your workplace? Whether your organization is facing a wave of retirements or just a few in the next several years, employers are wise to consider the significance of older workers. As the 78 million-member baby boomer generation hits what has traditionally been […]

Boomers Mean Business

By Marcia Akers Baby Boomers are now entering their retirement years while some members of “The Greatest Generation” remain in the workforce. Gen Xers and Yers are looking for advancement and rewarding entry-level positions. This first-ever phenomenon of having four generations in the workplace at the same time is creating challenges for employers, including how […]

SHRM 2011: Understanding Generation Y

As I noted in an earlier post, I skipped out early from a session at SHRM’s 63rd annual conference that was just an overview of global trends, but the speaker did say something in passing that served me well in the next session I jetted off to: This is the first time in history that […]

Boomers (and Their Employers) Face Work/Life Challenges

Modern medicine continues to increase life spans in the United States. Just as an example, the death rate for heart disease has dropped 60 percent in the last 50 years. The death rate for stroke has dropped even more, by 70 percent. And deaths from cancer have decreased 10 percent just in the last 15 […]

Addressing the Needs of an Aging Workforce

by Isabella Lee After falling for more than a century, the retirement age of American workers is on an upward trend. According to a recent survey, 43 percent of Americans believe they will have to work during their retirement. Many baby boomers plan on staying in the workforce past retirement for a variety of reasons: […]

Telecommuting Might Be the Answer for Workers Who Change Their Retirement Plans

by Mark Schickman Look around your workplace, and you will see baby boomers who are rethinking their retirement plans. They have had their anniversary date in 2010 circled on their calendars for a decade, they have bought their retirement condo, and they have calculated the rate of investment return that allows their retirement fund to […]

HOT LIST: BusinessWeek’s Paperback Bestseller List

BusinessWeek ranks paperback business books that are the most recent bestsellers and provides a short summary. 1. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Author Malcolm Gladwell says snap judgments deserve careful consideration. 2. The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. Author Thomas L. Friedman says globalization is great — […]