Tag: benefits

Workers’ Compensation: Lawsuit Against Tosco Tries End Run Around Workers’ Comp Limits

A Tosco worker injured in a catastrophic 1999 explosion and fire at the company’s Martinez refinery and the family of another worker killed in the disaster have filed a lawsuit against Tosco. Employees who are injured on the job are generally limited to workers’ comp benefits. But this lawsuit attempts to sidestep this restriction by […]

News Notes: State Issues Workers’ Comp Fact Sheet For Employees

A free new 10-page “fact sheet” designed to be given to injured workers has been developed by the state Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation. “Working After a Job Injury” explains employees’ rights and responsibilities in returning to work after a workplace injury. It covers such issues as work restrictions, modified jobs, disability […]

Legislative Update: New Workplace Laws On Horizon

As we went to press, the current state legislative session was drawing to a close, and a host of important bills that could significantly impact employers were pending. Here’s a rundown on key employment legislation on the docket in Sacramento and a quick overview of new federal laws under consideration.

News Note: Government Increases Cost Estimate For Use Of Unemployment Insurance Funds For Family Leave

The federal Department of Labor has increased its projections of the cost of allowing states to pay unemployment insurance benefits to employees out on family leave. Original estimates were as high as $68 million based on the four to six states that initially expressed interest. But now the agency says that the new program could […]

News Notes: Feds Allow Use Of Unemployment Funds For Leave, But Status In California Unclear

The Department of Labor has put into place controversial regulations that would let states use unemployment insurance money to fund family and medical leave. The new rules broaden the scope of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, so that workers could receive up to 12 weeks of paid leave if they take time off […]

Employee Policies And Handbooks: California Supreme Court Says You Can Change Your Policies But Adds New Rules For Employers; 3 Management Strategies

An important new California Supreme Court ruling has affirmed your right to modify or rescind your personnel policies, but it also creates new employee protections—and employer compliance obligations. We’ll examine this decision and look at what you have to do before you eliminate or change a policy.

Hiring Summer Interns And Volunteers: It’s More Complicated Than Most Employers Think; How To Keep From Getting Burned

Now that summer is here, students are looking for hands-on work experience and are often willing to work as a volunteer or intern for no pay. But many employers are not up to speed on the strict state and federal guidelines regarding who is legally considered an employee entitled to be paid at least minimum […]

Age Discrimination: Safeway To Pay $7.5 Million For Terminating Employee Close To Retirement; How To Avoid Similar Litigation

Whenever you discharge an employee over age 40, you leave yourself open to a potential age discrimination lawsuit. And a new federal appeals court ruling demonstrates that your risk is higher—and the potential damages even greater—if the employee is a long-term worker close to retirement.

Negligent Hiring: Court Says You Can Be Sued For On-The-Job Injuries To An Independent Contractor’s Employees; 4 Key Steps To Take

Suppose an employee for a contractor you’ve hired gets injured on the job. Typically, the employee’s only recourse is to seek workers’ comp benefits from the contractor. But a new California Court of Appeal ruling exposes a problem that you might not expect when using independent contractors: You can be sued if the contractor’s employee […]

News Flash: Details Of Tax-Free Transportation Plans Debated

At a hearing in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, the Internal Revenue Service heard opposing arguments on permitting employers to provide tax-free public transit benefits through cash reimbursement rather than vouchers or passes. As we’ve reported, proposed IRS rules would make it easier for employers to set up transportation spending accounts, which let you pay […]