Tag: bias

A Legal Guide to Navigating Mental Health Disabilities and Ableism at Work

More than 15 percent of all working-age adults live with a mental health condition. Mental health conditions are medical conditions which involve “changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these)” and “can be associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities.” Mental health conditions are prevalent in the […]

Survey Explores Experience of Gen Z in the Workplace

Staying ahead of workforce trends is crucial for HR professionals and people managers. A recent report by iHire offers valuable insights into the Gen Z workforce, providing essential guidance for recruitment and retention strategies. Tackling Stereotypes and Bias A significant finding is that 34.4% of Gen Zs believe negative stereotypes about their generation will hinder […]

New EEOC General Counsel Calls Bias Damages Caps ‘Unacceptable’

In a recent interview, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) General Counsel Karla Gilbride argued the damage limitations on employees’ recovery under federal employment discrimination laws are “morally unacceptable.” Currently, total compensatory and punitive damages are capped for the largest companies at $300,000. Congress established the limits when it passed the 1991 revision to Title VII […]

Do You Really Know Who You’re Hiring?

With many U.S. states having experienced record-low unemployment rates earlier in 2023, finding qualified candidates continues to be a major challenge for many employers across the whole country. According to HireRight’s 2023 Global Benchmark Report, over three-quarters of respondents from North America—comprising HR, risk, and recruitment professionals—expect talent acquisition to be a significant challenge for […]

Breaking Bias and Building Bridges: Chevron’s Proactive Approach to DEI

In today’s corporate landscape, the emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is more pronounced than ever. Companies are recognizing the value of a diverse workforce, not just as a moral imperative but also as a business necessity. At the forefront of this movement is Josetta Jones, Chevron’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. With a […]

Empowering Diversity Through Gender-Inclusive Recruiting Strategies

In today’s business world, inclusivity is more than a value—it’s an essential part of a sound business strategy. A recent McKinsey and Company report shows that companies that build diverse executive teams by focusing on gender inclusivity are 25% more likely to outperform those that don’t financially. For those that build ethnically diverse teams, the […]

Help Managers Grow Their Spines and Manage Abrasive Leadership Behavior

In this age of heightened awareness of inequality, bias, and bad behavior concerning sex, gender, race, age, and ethnicity, employers are increasingly required to provide psychologically safe workplaces characterized by respectful treatment. To do this, employers must be prepared to manage unacceptable conduct effectively. The conduct of abrasive leaders (otherwise known as bosses who bully) […]

Are You Ready for AI? Some Things for HR to Consider Before Pressing the Button

As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies grow in sophistication, businesses are increasingly turning to them to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and improve productivity. HR professionals are under pressure to integrate AI tools into their recruitment, training, and performance evaluation processes to keep pace with this rapidly evolving landscape. While AI promises many benefits, there are also […]

Sources of Bias in Your Current Hiring Process and How to Mitigate Them

Something that makes us uniquely human is taking mental shortcuts. When making decisions, our brains use both our past experiences and the norms and expectations of the communities, cultures, and systems we live within, with both positive and negative impacts. While we understand this is human nature, it is also the root of both implicit […]

How Retrospective Bias Impacts Recruitment

When a position opens up, the goal of any hiring team is always to find the best candidate available to fill the role. However, when biases find their way into the hiring process this can prove to make the practice even more challenging. These biases are opinions, feelings, or inclinations that interviewers make about candidates […]