Tag: Bruce Christopher

Dealing with the Godzillas in Your Workplace

Difficult people—whiners, liars, know-it-alls, condescenders, busybodies, lazy bones, and exploders, and those who are always right—are everywhere, says psychologist Bruce Christopher. Our Godzillas can be our coworkers, customers, supervisors, neighbors, and even family members, says psychologist Bruce Christopher, who offered his tips at the recent Society for Human Resource Management’s Annual Conference and Exposition in […]

Solving the Lipstick Problem and Drying Out the Wet Blankets

Yesterday’s Advisor presented psychologist Bruce Christopher’s tips for dealing with the challenging personalities, or “Godzillas,” that you may occasionally face in the workplace. Today, we have three scenarios that illustrate Christopher’s “Surprise Effect” technique for dealing with difficult people.

Are There Godzillas in Your Workplace?

Difficult people—we’ve all dealt with them at work. Whiners, liars, condescenders, lazy bones, busybodies, exploders, and people who are always right are everywhere, says psychologist Bruce Christopher. However, with a little practice you can handle them easily and effectively.