Tag: Business Records


5th Circuit Rules HR’s Discrimination Investigation Is Admissible Evidence

Is an HR investigation into discrimination admissible evidence? A recent case from the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals (the federal appeals court covering Texas) declares the answer is “yes.” But as the expression goes, the devil is in the details. Read on. Claim of No Service Because of Race Sharnez Hager and her family […]

Workplace Security and Privacy: How the USA Patriot Act Could Affect Your Company

In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, President Bush signed into law the USA Patriot Act, amending 15 federal statutes to give law enforcement officials wider latitude in investigating and punishing terrorists. Several provisions in the 342-page law will impact employers—particularly sections regarding records, electronic surveillance, and financial institutions. But because the […]