Tag: Communication Strategy

Filling Communication Gaps: 3 Strategies for Health Benefits Education

For employers aiming to promote employee wellness while controlling healthcare costs, establishing an effective communication and education strategy for health benefits is crucial. Evidence shows that people with higher patient activation have better health outcomes, which leads to cost savings for both the employer and patients. As we ride the wave of increased healthcare costs, […]

Generational Warfare in the Workplace: Some Calling for a Ceasefire

One of the many topics currently crowding the radar screen of human resources thinkers concerns the multiple generations in today’s workforce. Millennials, Gen Xers, baby boomers, and even some well beyond age 70 are finding themselves working side by side. Figuring out how to engage individuals who have come of age in different eras and […]


How Leaders Can Improve Company Culture After a Reorganization

Once news of an impending reorganization hits a company, the environment of that company changes almost immediately. However, there are steps that leaders within the organization can take—before, during, and immediately following a reorganization—that can salvage the culture of the company and help those that remain to feel secure and invested in the company.