Tag: Dan Oswald

Add Your Voice on Retention, Engagement, and Branding

The world of talent management is abuzz with concepts like retention, engagement, and branding. Does your company track these things? If so, how? Do you think it works? Tell us in our latest survey. Taking the survey gives access to the results as soon as they are compiled. We’d love to hear what you have […]


Make sure your manager can say being your boss is “pretty great”

by Dan Oswald National Car Rental’s new commercial asks, “What’s it like to be the boss of you?” And it also answers the question: “Pretty great.” The actor in the commercial, Patrick Warburton, then negotiates a 20 percent raise for himself with himself. If only life were that easy! But I like the question the […]


Don’t hesitate to tell your coworkers how much they mean to you

by Dan Oswald Sunday was Valentine’s Day. Here’s hoping you got to spend it with loved ones. My wife and I traveled to visit our daughter at college and got to spend the day with her. It was a good day and everything I could ask for to celebrate my February holiday. I remember as […]

3 common problems with hiring and the presidential election

The road to the 2016 U.S. presidential election officially begins today with the Iowa caucuses. Having grown up in Iowa, I have experienced the caucus process first-hand. It’s an interesting process that has a real grassroots feel to it, and it can produce some very interesting results that are often difficult to predict. If you’re […]

Talent and Performance Management—What’s Really Happening?

What’s happening with talent and performance management in the real world? What are your competitors up to? Help us find out! Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: Do you have a […]

What does luck have to do with it?

by Dan Oswald “I’d rather be lucky than good.” Those famous words were uttered by Lefty Gomez, a left-handed pitcher for the New York Yankees who played primarily in the 1930s. Take a minute to let that quote soak in. Would you rather be lucky or good? I guess if you had to choose between […]

Case Management—What’s Really Happening?

What’s happening with case management in the real world? How do you handle routine requests from your employees? What about not-so-routine requests, like complaints? What are your competitors up to? Help us find out! Please participate in our brief survey, and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are […]

Martin Luther King, Jr., taught us invaluable lessons on leadership

by Dan Oswald Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. King was a man who accomplished so much, affected so many others, and left a lasting legacy that is still prevalent today. Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in 1929 and lived just 39 years before he was tragically assassinated in Memphis, […]

Talent and Performance Management—What’s Really Happening?

What’s happening with talent and performance management in the real world? What are your competitors up to? Help us find out! Please participate in our brief survey and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing. We’ll get answers to these questions and more: Do you have a […]