Tag: Data Analytics

How Can HR Departments Utilize ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has proven that it isn’t going anywhere. The open AI software is being used by all kinds of industries to do everything from writing stories to solving math problems to composing emails. But can human resources—a human-centered endeavor—really benefit from utilizing a machine like ChatGPT? The answer is a resounding yes. HR departments are […]

Emerging DEI Trends for 2024

As organizations continue to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), staying abreast of emerging trends is crucial for HR professionals and managers. Here’s a look at the significant DEI trends shaping workplaces in 2024. Increased Focus on Intersectionality In 2024, DEI programs are increasingly recognizing intersectionality, addressing overlapping social identities and their related systems of […]

What You Need to Know About Modern Direct Sourcing

Talent has long been an organization’s greatest asset; however, many businesses have only recently come to appreciate the real value of their workers. In light of ongoing talent shortages, more than a few companies have found themselves with bad hires and the consequences that come with them. Loss of productivity is just the first. Loss […]

HR Tech Predictions for 2024

As we enter the year 2024, the imperative for workplace leadership to harness technology in understanding and meeting employee needs has never been more critical. A Gartner study reveals a harsh reality: 76 percent of HR leaders acknowledge that managers are overwhelmed by their expanding job responsibilities, and 73 percent believe their leaders are not […]

Maximizing Healthcare Cost Control: A Holistic Approach for Self-Insured Employers and Employees

In the increasingly complex and expensive U.S. healthcare landscape, self-insured employers face a dual challenge: ensuring top-quality health care for their employees while maintaining a tight grip on costs. And with many businesses operating on razor-thin margins in today’s inflationary economic environment, cost control has never been more critical. Self-insured employers, which directly fund their […]

Empowering the Modern Workforce: How Technology Is Redefining Training

Training in today’s dynamic corporate landscape has evolved from a mere checkbox activity to a strategic imperative. As organizations invest heavily in upskilling their workforce, the pressing question remains: Is our training truly making a difference? With rapid advancements in technology, companies now have tools at their disposal to not only deliver training but also […]

How to Engage Seasonal Hires on the Right Communication Channels

As businesses rely on short-term workers to meet seasonal demands, ensuring clear and efficient communication becomes crucial. According to a recent report conducted by the Harris Poll on behalf of Grammarly, 72% of business leaders credit effective communication with boosting their team’s productivity, while 52% of knowledge workers share the same sentiment. Providing clear instructions, […]

Faces of HR: Elizabeth Derby on the Power of Cultivating Greater Equity and Access

Before Elizabeth Derby started her career in HR, she was a Public Finance Banker, dedicated to creating access to affordable housing for people in underserved communities. While she enjoyed the business and strategy aspect of that work, she gravitated to the people side and was ultimately tapped by leadership to assume several high-profile HR roles. […]

12 Metrics Every HR Professional Should Track

Metrics have always been an important part of HR, but to many HR professionals, 2022 was the year they became essential. In an incredibly tough job market, a political landscape where everything felt flipped upside down, and a rocky economy, companies were desperate to hold onto their employees as priorities shifted and workers made drastic […]

Faces of HR: How One HR Pro is Changing Lives One Day at a Time

Charles Lattimer is a seasoned technology entrepreneur and innovator, bringing more than two decades of experience to his role of VP of Innovation and Growth at FinFit – a financial wellness company that specializes in increasing employee retention by reducing finance-related employee stress. For our latest Faces of HR profile, we sat down with Charles […]