Tag: Diverse Workforce


Which Industry Is More Favorable for LGBTQ Hiring?

As Anne-Valérie Hueschen—Vice President of Corporate Affairs at Voxbone—recently discussed, having a diverse workforce creates smarter teams. Hueschen says, “Diverse workforces reflect more of the world as a whole, which encourages multiple solutions to problems and fosters new ideas.”

Countering Tech’s Diversity Supply Problem

Anyone tasked with hiring tech workers over the past decade has probably openly lamented the lack of qualified talent to fill open positions. The Department of Labor estimates that 1 million technology jobs will go unfilled by 2020.

Growing Importance Placed on Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Employees with Disabilities

Recruiting Daily Advisor has explained the importance of hiring workers with disabilities on multiple occasions (here, here, and here) and how this diverse group of workers can provide many benefits to your company. According to a new survey, there is even more importance being placed on hiring workers with disabilities. Let’s take a look.

Seeking Talent: Three tips for recruiting diverse talent

If you want to attract a broad base of workers with talent, you must be more proactive in your recruiting efforts, says employment lawyer and diversity consultant Natalie Holder-Winfield, author of Recruiting & Retaining a Diverse Workforce: New Rules for a New Generation. Holder-Winfield, president and chief strategic officer of Quest Diversity Initiatives, offers these […]