Tag: EAPs

mental health

Companies Explore the Limitations of EAPs Amid Mental Health Crisis

The corporate world is witnessing a significant shift in how mental health support is perceived and provided, amid what many are calling a mental health crisis. As companies grapple with the well-being crisis, there’s a growing recognition that traditional Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) may no longer be enough to meet this challenge. Instead, innovative solutions […]

4 Strategies to Support Employees with ADHD

A persistent myth about people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is they can’t succeed in fast-paced careers like legal practice because they aren’t able to maintain focus and organization. However, much evidence indicates the opposite is true. In fact, in a landmark 2016 American Bar Association study, 12.5% of attorneys reported having ADHD compared with 4.5% […]