Tag: Empathy

The Role of Empathy in Leadership: Employees Demand It, Leaders Must Live It

Most people don’t know how to truly understand someone else’s point of view without letting their own thoughts and emotions get in the way. Some leaders are guilty of this, often sitting in their own place of judgment rather than using empathy as the bridge to understanding and connection. Empathy is about taking time to […]

What is Radical Empathy?

The idea that employers should empathize with their workers is relatively new. Just ask Bob Cratchit how empathetic his employer, Mr. Scrooge, was in Victorian-era England. Of course, by the end of the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Tale, and thanks to some supernatural intervention, Scrooge came around and developed genuine sympathy for the plight […]

mental health

5 Ways Companies Can Support Mental Health, Beginning with Empathy

With much of the workforce still working from home, personal demands continue to spill into work demands and vice versa. Combined with raising children and maintaining relationships in a COVID world, it is easy to understand why self-reported mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression have nearly doubled since before the pandemic.  These mounting […]

Skills Needed Post-COVID

The COVID pandemic has taught us a lot about ourselves. It has also shown employers just how much work can be completed remotely. As the world shifts again with the vaccine rollout, the coming months will be a bit of a transition time for employees and employers alike. This means that changing skill sets will […]

Do You Show Empathy to Employees?

When reading the headline, many of us may have instinctively thought, “Of course I show empathy!” But the reality is that employees often don’t feel they’re treated in ways that show empathy. The employer-employee relationship is often seen by employees as more adversarial than supportive.

You don’t have to be Einstein to succeed or lead

by Dan Oswald In my last post, I wrote about an article that appeared in the June issue of Harvard Business Review (“The Big Idea: 21st-Century Talent Spotting”). The subject of the article was hiring for potential. Of course, to do so, one must know how to determine a person’s potential. The article’s author, Claudio […]