Tag: employee development

How Can HR Departments Utilize ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has proven that it isn’t going anywhere. The open AI software is being used by all kinds of industries to do everything from writing stories to solving math problems to composing emails. But can human resources—a human-centered endeavor—really benefit from utilizing a machine like ChatGPT? The answer is a resounding yes. HR departments are […]

Faces of HR: Nina Lucas on Persistence, Possibility, and Progress

Meet Nina Lucas, Chief People Officer (CPO) at Omnia Exterior Solutions, a CCMP Growth Advisors, LP portfolio company, which helps support and grow high-potential residential roofing and remodeling businesses. Lucas brings more than 25 years of HR management experience to her role, including leading significant company transformations. Prior to joining Omnia Exterior Services, Lucas served […]

Navigating the Sometimes Tricky Terrain of Noncompete Agreements

In a competitive business environment where human talent often represents an organization’s most important asset, noncompete agreements serve as important tools to help companies safeguard their proprietary information and maintain a competitive edge. But these legal contracts, designed to prevent employees from entering into direct competition with their former employers for a specified period after […]

Employees Don’t Think College Adequately Prepared them for the Workforce

In a recent survey conducted by Go1 and shared with Fortune, it was revealed that many employees are questioning the value of a bachelor’s degree in today’s job market. The survey, which included input from more than 3000 employees from the US, UK, and Australia, found that nearly half of the respondents felt that universities […]

Together or Not at All: Redefining Leadership Creates a More Equitable Workplace

The “girl boss” is dead. We’re done urging women to work harder, push harder, and “lean in” harder just for equal treatment. While this shift is too long in coming, the increasingly popular alternative of “lazy girl jobs” isn’t the solution either. Our culture has created a false dichotomy between the hyper-driven career woman and […]

The Power of Connection Fuels Company Culture

A strong company culture is no accident. It takes thoughtful intention, investment, and commitment to nurture. And in a world where remote and hybrid work continues to rise, culture can seem elusive. But there’s one simple yet profound fuel for culture that companies too often overlook: connection. As Bruce Zicari, CEO of The Bonadio Group, […]

The Importance of Investing in Employee Development

Companies are always looking for ways to stay ahead of the competition. One strategy that has consistently proven to be effective in developing and maintaining a competitive edge is investing in employee development. But identifying a concrete ROI on employee development has long proven to be challenging for many organizations. How can learning and development […]

Recent Graduates Feel Ill-Prepared to Enter the Workforce

It’s not uncommon these days to hear employers, HR pros, and managers lament the lack of skills and workforce preparation they’re seeing among new hires—even those with freshly minted degrees. It may come as no surprise, then, that even these recent grads feel they’re unprepared to take on the work world. Recent Grads Lack Career […]

The Naturalness Bias

Consider a hiring manager tasked with hiring an employee to fill a vacant position. The hiring manager is down to two candidates who are virtually identical with respect to their relevant job skills. The only difference is that Candidate A has worked very hard to develop their skills, while Candidate B possesses those abilities innately. […]

Don’t Fix Weaknesses, Do Leverage Strengths

We falsely think that we are doing our jobs as managers by giving performance feedback—constructive or otherwise—to employees. Not so, according to Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall in their article, “The Feedback Fallacy,” which appeared in the March-April 2019 issue of the Harvard Business Review. Neurons Don’t Lie Feedback focuses employees on their shortcomings. Developmental […]