Tag: employee happiness

Why Hybrid Work is Changing the Game

Imagine a workplace that bends to fit your life, not the other way around. That’s what the latest findings from the IWG U.S. HR Leaders & Hybrid Working Report are all about. It’s clear from the data: hybrid work isn’t just a buzzword; it’s reshaping how we think about our jobs and our lives, proving […]

The Link Between Employee Happiness and Company Technology

Today’s employees demand more from their employers than ever before. Many employees expect things from business tech to improve their work process and create a more effective supply chain. Those companies that lack investments in business tech will see a higher turnover rate and often a loss of their company’s top talent. What Employees Expect […]

Elevating Year-End Meetings: A Toast to Recognition and Innovation

As we approach the end of the year, companies worldwide are gearing up for their annual year-end meetings and holiday parties. Amidst the celebrations, it’s a perfect time to recognize employees for their hard work. While it is important to acknowledge employees, it’s even more important to do so in a way that makes them […]

The Employee Happiness Index and What it Means to You

In recent years, the corporate world has witnessed myriad changes, from the rise of remote work to the Great Resignation. However, a new trend, termed “The Great Gloom,” is emerging, painting a concerning picture of the global workforce’s well-being. According to the first-ever Employee Happiness Index by BambooHR, a cloud-hosted software for HR, employees are […]

The Rise of the 4-Day Workweek                                                      

The decade ahead will likely be known for innovations we haven’t even imagined yet. In the workplace, it may be known for the rise of a new way of scheduling employees: the 4-day workweek. As overwork has become a chronic issue, entire countries have started piloting and testing shorter workweeks. Between 2015 and 2019, Iceland […]

5 Tips for Leading with A People-First Approach That Can Transform Your Business

The last few years have been tough—we’ve all been through a lot. However, while our realities and expectations have greatly shifted both personally and professionally, it’s afforded many of us a refreshed definition of what is most important. In turn, this has also created a renewed perspective on how we, as individuals, would like to […]

What Is Making Employees Unhappy in 2022?

During the Great Resignation of 2021, more than 47 million Americans left their jobs. While some left for better pay and career advancement, according to a recent survey, a majority of people who quit their jobs left for one simple reason: They were unhappy.  Though there is no single cause of employee dissatisfaction, there are […]

3 Tips for Maintaining Company Culture and Employee Happiness in the Wake of the Great Resignation

Over the past 2 years, we’ve seen the COVID-19 pandemic impact the workforce in myriad ways. First, companies rushed to adopt remote technologies to support their newly remote workforce. Then, they pivoted to ensure a seamless and secure virtual customer experience. These changes were important to ensure businesses could weather the pandemic, but as it […]