Tag: Employee Turnover

Why Are Employees Leaving Their Jobs?

By now, we are all familiar with the Great Resignation. Even as the labor market shows signs of continuing improvement, as many as 40% of employees are thinking about leaving their job. Remote work; compensation; and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives are among the leading factors that can make or break your company’s retention […]

hiring sign

The Benefit of (Some) Turnover

Employers, given their preference, would love to keep most employees around indefinitely—to have their top performers spend their entire careers with the company. Not only would that tenure demonstrate dedication and commitment to the company, but it would also reduce the time, effort, and cost of recruiting and onboarding new staff and help retain institutional […]

Should You Require Preemployment Knowledge-Based Tests?

Research indicates that 85% of job applicants lie on their résumés and job applications because employer application tracking systems expect exact matches from their applicant pools. So, applicants are getting smarter and tweaking their résumés to make it through these technological hurdles and to the first round of interviews.


Should You Require Preemployment Knowledge-Based Tests?

Research indicates that 85% of job applicants lie on their résumés and job applications because employer application tracking systems expect exact matches from their applicant pools. So, applicants are getting smarter and tweaking their résumés to make it through these technological hurdles and to the first round of interviews.