Tag: employee wellbeing

The (Preventable) Reason Virtual Meetings Are So Exhausting

Why is it that remote meetings can feel so exhausting? After all, many meeting attendees these days are literally able to simply roll out of beds and log in. That’s in sharp contrast to the “old days” of spending an hour getting ready for work and taking a long commute just to make it to […]

Fostering Employee Well-Being: The Catalyst for Organizational Success

As we marked World Mental Health Day in early October, it’s essential to shine a light on the role that employee well-being plays in creating a healthier, happier, and more productive workplace. As the war for talent rages on, it’s clear that employees are looking for factors beyond pay or benefits when choosing their employer. […]

How Employers Can Build a Medical Safety Net

Would it surprise you to learn that 66% of all bankruptcies are due to medical expenses? Even more startling, 80% of these medical-related bankruptcies involve individuals with health insurance. Clearly, there’s a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. This article will outline three essential steps to establish a “medical safety net” for your employees, […]

Addressing the Crisis of Employee Emotional Well-Being: A Systems Perspective

The pandemic left an indelible mark on various facets of our lives, but perhaps one of the most profound impacts has been on the emotional well-being of the U.S. workforce. The Leading Indicator Systems’ Workforce Listening Study Series, which uses the 3-minute, image-based AgileBrain assessment, has shed light on an alarming trend. Over the past […]

How Technology Can Address the Growing Safety Concerns of Frontline Workers

There’s a serious disconnect in the frontline workspace. Many businesses are unaware that over 58% of employees believe the risk of being physically harmed on the job is rising. Additionally, 40% of them reported an increase in concerns about personal safety just in the last year. They no longer feel safe.  There are a few reasons that […]

Prioritize Employee Well-Being to Elevate Organizational Success

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, success is no longer solely defined by bottom-line profits and market share dominance. A new era has dawned—one in which organizational success is intimately intertwined with the well-being of its most valuable asset: its employees. This paradigm shift has ushered in an era of enlightened employers that […]

Bridge The Gap: Treat Employees as Your First Customers 

We’ve all heard the popular business slogan “the customer is always right,” a phrase that highlights essential customer-first cultures implemented in almost every organization. This is how most businesses approach their operations, prioritizing customer satisfaction and retention to drive profitability. But a lesser-known fact is that a great employee-first culture also drives success, and retaining […]

Addressing Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing in Remote Settings

The ability to work remotely has been a big boon for both employees and organizations. COVID-19 accelerated experiences in working virtually for a significant portion of the workforce. But, while the digital age has powered the ability to work remotely, and conveniently, from virtually anywhere, as the boundaries between professional and personal lives have blurred, […]

Employee Belonging Is a Foundation for Well-Being Success

Employers that want to reduce burnout, improve mental health, and ease stress in the workplace may find that helping employees feel like they belong will give them an outsized advantage when it comes to improving employee satisfaction, well-being, and productivity. According to a new survey of 1,000 employees and 1,000 employers, improving employees’ sense of […]

Encouraging PTO to Avoid Burnout in 2023

In today’s workplace, work-life balance, flexibility, psychological safety, and advocacy for mental health and well-being are all signs of a positive culture. With employee burnout at a record high, organizations are looking for new ways to keep their employees productive, happy, and stress-free. Fortunately, organizations already a tool they can utilize: paid time off (PTO). […]