Tag: employees

From My Cold, Dead Hands

You might have heard that the Supreme Court recently threw out the District of Columbia’s decades-long ban on handguns. Of course, there are limitations. If you are mentally insane or a convicted felon, then you’re out of luck. So, many of our favorites on The Office probably still can’t pack heat into the Capitol — […]

The Truth about Profiting from Social Networking

M. Lee Smith Web Editor Wendi Watts reviews the book The Truth about Profiting from Social Networking by Patrice-Anne Rutledge.  How to use Facebook and other social media websites to communicate with employees, customers, and coworkers. Regardless of whether you are a Facebook addict or are challenged to add an attachment to an email, if […]

Resolving Conflicts at Work: A Complete Guide for Everyone on the Job

Technology writer and consultant David Micah Kaufman reviews the book Resolving Conflicts at Work: A Complete Guide for Everyone on the Job by Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith. Kaufman reviews book’s theme of seeking resolution to conflict at work instead of settlement. While we all seek harmony at work, conflict is inevitable. The challenges of […]

Employee Privacy Rights and Computer Data in Canada

by Barbara A. McIsaac, Helen Gray, and Daniel Pugen McCarthy Tetrault An employee’s expectation of privacy in the workplace is a big issue these days, especially with respect to the use of company computers. Employers are often faced with questions like these: Is an employee entitled to privacy over e-mail and other data created and […]

Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-Line Employee

Resources for Humans Managing Editor Celeste Blackburn reviews Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-Line Employee by Alex Frankel. Review recounts examples from the book that show how companies both win over and lose employee buy in. In his “Author’s Note” for Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Front-Line Employee, Frankel writes “the […]

Employers Lessons from Quebec’s Experience with Psychological Harassment

By Simon-Pierre Hebert and Rachel Ravary McCarthy Tetrault If you have employees in Quebec, then you are likely familiar with the prohibition against “psychological harassment” that was added to the Act Respecting Labour Standards in 2004. Managers initially reacted to the new provisions with a lot of apprehension, fearing that a disgruntled employee could turn […]

U.S. Supreme Court Issues 3 New Decisions

The first case, Meacham v. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, involved an employer’s decision to lay off 31 employees, 30 of whom were age 40 or older. The workers sued, claiming the layoffs had a disparate impact on older workers in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). The employer claimed it based its […]

Do domestic partner benefits make sense for you?

So you read the previous article and want to make your company more friendly to your gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) employees (and therefore the GLBT community). A good first step is offering domestic partner benefits as a recruiting tool. Simply put, domestic partner benefits are benefits offered to an employee’s unmarried partner, regardless […]

NY corrections department must pay $1 million for discrimination in settlement with EEOC

The New York State Department of Correctional Services will pay almost $1 million to settle a sex discrimination lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. The department was accused of providing inferior benefits to female employees on maternity leave. Both male and […]

Women & Money

Web Editor Wendi Watts reviews the book Women & Money by Suze Orman. Review explains how book can aid HR with effective communication with employees about financial issues. With her usual down-to-earth style, Suze Orman tackles the subject of women’s complicated relationship with money in her book Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control […]