Tag: employees

Chair Model

LITGATION VALUE:  $6,000 – $10,000 Despite what you might think, Michael’s demand that all employees provide him with candidates to serve as the mother of his children does not violate any major employment law.  After all, Michael made the demand of all employees and not, for example, only female employees or employees of a particular […]

The Basics of Canadian Employment Contracts

By Rachel Ravary of McCarthy Tetrault and Brian P. Smeenk, formerly with McCarthy Tetrault So you’ve hired a new employee. Should you put it in writing? If so, what should it look like? What do you include? What is better left out? If you decide against an employment contract, what will the terms and conditions […]

Snakes In Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work

Resources for Humans Managing Editor Celeste Blackburn reviews the book Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by Paul Babiak, Ph.D. and Robert D. Hare, Ph.D. Review highlights how book teaches employers to avoid hiring psychopath employees by giving interview tips. Babiak is an industrial and organizational psychologist, and Hare is the author of […]

It’s Called Work for A Reason!

M. Lee Smith Publishers President Dan Oswald reviews the book It’s Called Work for A Reason! Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault by Larry Winget. Review explains how company president found book’s lessons about work and motivation so important he paid employees to read it. Thief! Liar! Those are just a couple of the […]

Getting a Dismissed Employee’s Last Meeting Right

By Donovan Plomp of McCarthy Tetrault and Karen Sargeant, formerly with McCarthy Tetrault Spring will soon be upon us, and with it may come the urge to do some “spring cleaning” in the home and the workplace. This might mean ending an employment relationship that isn’t working out. In Canada, which has no concept of […]

Health and Safety Legislative and Regulatory Responses

by Daniel Pugen McCarthy Tetrault Workplace violence has become a hot topic among labor, employment, and health and safety regulators in Canada. Of course, workplace violence is hardly a new phenomenon. Certain workers like police officers have an inherent risk of workplace violence. Also, put enough people in an enclosed area under stressful conditions (i.e., […]

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

Here is an interesting one. Earlier this week, the mayor of a small town in Oregon was fired after the town learned that there were pictures on the Internet of their esteemed leader posing in front of a fire truck in a black lace bra and panty set. The photographs were taken before she was […]

Supreme Court Rules on ‘Me Too’ Evidence

The U.S. Supreme Court has completed its review of a key Kansas age discrimination case, settling a split between federal courts on the admissibility of “me too” evidence. “Me too” evidence is testimony by non-parties that alleges discrimination at the hands of persons who played no part in the challenged employment decision. In the present […]

What to Do When U.S. National Security, Canadian Employment Laws Clash

by Rachel Ravary McCarthy Tetrault No one can deny that security concerns have taken on monumental proportions in the post-9/11 era. Buzzwords like national security, homeland security, border security, supply chain security, perimeter security, and security threats have become part of our daily vocabulary. National security is also high on the list of priorities of […]

Supreme Court Expands ERISA Remedies

In a case that could have far-reaching consequences for employers and employees alike, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday, February 20, 2008, that the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) allows an employee to sue his employer because of a fiduciary breach that resulted in individual losses to his 401(k) plan. James LaRue says […]