Tag: Facebook

Broadcast Your Employer Brand: How to Use Live Video for Killer Recruiting Events

Struggling with recruitment? You’re not alone. Changing trends and shifting workplace cultures have continued to put stress on recruiters and human resources professionals who are working hard to fill those empty roles. It’s 2024; you’re almost certainly using social media in your recruitment efforts. You may have even thrown an in-person networking event, trying to […]

How to Woo Top Talent with Social Media

Is social media still an effective way of recruiting employees in 2024? The answer, like so many human resources topics, depends on who you ask. While algorithms and changes to the Facebook ads mechanism have plummeted the viewership of many companies’ content, the fact remains that US adults still spend a ton of time on […]

Faces of HR: Erin Dertouzos on the Value of Pivoting, Psychological Safety and Probity

Meet Erin Dertouzos, Chief People Officer at strongDM – a people-first access platform that gives technical staff access to the infrastructure they need to be productive. Erin believes that recruitment is about having the right people in the right roles at the right time and leaders are responsible for creating a North Star with clear […]

What to Know About Free Speech, Cancel Culture, and Your Business

The phrase “cancel culture” has become ubiquitous over the last couple years. It strikes fear in the hearts of social media influencers and public figures everywhere. One post in poor taste or the unearthing of a years-old tweet can bring a screeching halt to a politician’s campaign or an emerging artist’s rise to fame. So, […]


How to Address Ongoing COVID-19 Issues When Employees Declare, ‘But, Facebook Said . . .’

We all know neither Google nor Facebook has a legal degree, but that doesn’t stop your employees from acting as if the social media platforms do. More than one employee has probably pushed back on a policy by saying, “I read on Facebook . . .” or “I Googled [such and such], and you are […]

6th Circuit: Employee May Be Fired Over Facebook Slur

An employer could lawfully terminate an employee who used a racial slur on Facebook, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals (whose rulings cover all Ohio employers) recently concluded after applying a test that balances a public employee’s First Amendment right to free speech against the employer’s interest in maintaining an effective workplace.


Large Employers Extending Remote Work

Some of the nation’s largest employers are signaling a potential long-term—even permanent—continuation of remote work. To what extent will this impact the decisions and plans of other organizations?


How Companies Are Using AR and VR for Remote Training

Months into the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of employees are still working remotely, with no immediate end in sight. Some major employers like Microsoft, Target, and Deloitte have extended their remote work policies to mid-2021 or announced plans to maintain them on a permanent basis.