Tag: Flexible Work

4 Key Challenges Employers Face in Back-to-Office Efforts

It’s approaching 3 years since many companies first announced temporary remote work policies in response to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 infections ramping up at that time. It’s an ironic anniversary, considering those policies were expected to last roughly 3 weeks when launched. Not All Employers Committed to Remote Work While employees around the […]

Mastering the HR Pivot During an Economic Slowdown

Over the last several years, HR teams spent a lot of time battling over talent. Work-from-home trends expanded the marketplace of potential employers for many workers, helping to drive a Great Resignation that stressed HR’s ability to attract the talent their organizations needed to operate effectively. And don’t forget that even the company faithful were […]

Bridging the Gap Between HR and Go-to-Market Teams

Today’s employees are living and working in a much more fluid environment. With flexible work schedules now increasingly common, the traditional 9 to 5 has almost become a thing of the past. But while the recent shift has brought certain benefits, it has also exacerbated many of the problems that already existed before this “new […]

Top HR Trends That Will Shape Organizational Growth in 2023

The pandemic, and the cavalcade of stress and distress that came with it, has touched virtually every organization. Employee mental health consequences from the pandemic and economic uncertainty will continue, and managing through recession and downturn adds a new element to the fallout. These factors combined means employee mental health challenges will continue well into […]

Chief Remote Officer

Keeping track of the growing list of C-suite positions can be challenging for casual observers. Even the most-well-known CEO title is just over 100 years old. The first chief financial officers (CFOs) didn’t emerge until the 1960s. Chief human resource officers (CHROs) are even more recent, not coming onto the scene until the mid-1980s. A […]

How Employers Can Get Flexible Working Policies Right

As the third anniversary of the pandemic approaches, it’s hard to overstate how profoundly the outbreak and its aftermath affected the way we work. Analyses of how businesses have evolved over the past few years tend to focus on digital transformation, which makes sense because the pandemic greatly accelerated a preexisting trend toward digitalization across […]

Why Flexible Work Is Key in the Post-Pandemic Business World

When the pandemic first hit, many businesses switched to remote work arrangements overnight, and millions of employees were introduced to the idea of flexible work for the first time. Once a large portion of the workforce got a taste of remote and hybrid work, compressed workweeks, shorter hours, flex hours, and more, they didn’t want to go […]

Watch Out for Scope Creep in Flexible Work Arrangements

Despite best intentions and nondiscriminatory business motivations, some groups of employees may reap more of the benefits of flexible work arrangements than others simply because their circumstances make such options more attractive to them. Accordingly, you should take steps to ensure flexible work arrangements are offered and implemented without discrimination on any prohibited basis. In […]