Tag: future of work

The Challenges Facing Gen Z in the Workplace

Generation Z is the future of the workforce. That’s not meant as some kind of puffery for this youngest cohort of workers; it’s a simple fact. Gen Z is already on par with Baby Boomers in terms of workforce participation numbers, and they’re expected to overtake Millennials sometime in the next 20 years. But many […]

HR+AI 2024: A Live Event in NYC

Artificial intelligence is no longer a thing of the imagination, sci-fi movies, and comic books. If anything, it’s quickly becoming a part of daily life. 63% of AI users are satisfied with generative AI tools in assisting decision making, and 42% of those who don’t currently use AI plan to in the coming year. For […]

Crafting High-Performance Remote Teams

In a world where traditional office settings are increasingly giving way to remote workspaces, the approach to leadership, performance management, and team cohesion demands a radical transformation. My recent conversation with Tyler Jordan, the Founder and CEO of Jordan Digital Marketing, sheds light on this paradigm shift. Through this dialogue, we explore the intricacies of […]

Faces of HR: Luck Dookchitra on HR as a Key Business Leader and a Thoughtful Future of Work

Meet Luck Dookchitra, the first Global VP of People at Leapsome, an all-in-one intelligent people enablement platform. Dookchitra not only brings more than 15 years of experience to her role – including leadership roles at Spotify, Teachable, and Modern Meadow – but also a commitment to driving organizational change. “I have been involved in pioneering […]

HR Trends to Watch in 2024

The world of work is constantly evolving, and the human resources (HR) function is at the forefront of this transformation. As we step into 2024, organizations are grappling with a multitude of challenges and opportunities, from navigating the post-pandemic work environment to addressing the ever-increasing demands of a diverse, skilled workforce. To effectively navigate this […]

Amazon’s RTO Ultimatum: What Does It Mean for Employees and the Future of Remote Work?

In a move that has sent ripples across the corporate world, Amazon recently issued an ultimatum to its employees: Return to the office or face potential termination. Although bold, this decision raises several questions about the future of work, especially in a post-pandemic era in which remote work has become the norm for many. Relocation […]

The Evolving Landscape of Remote Work

The pandemic-induced remote work revolution has seen various shifts, with some companies now advocating for a return to the office. But what’s driving this change, and are all companies on board? Companies Bringing Workers Back to the Office As summarized in an article for Business Insider, many big-name companies have been putting pressure on staff […]

Offices of the Future Will Be Uniquely Tailored to Each Company

What will the office of the future look like? That question has been debated extensively since the onset of the pandemic, which saw a dramatic shift to remote and hybrid work models. But according to architect Christian Giordano, President and Co-owner of 100+-year-old national design firm Mancini Duffy, there won’t be any one-size-fits-all solution. “It […]

Demand for AI Skills Far Outpaces Supply

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a high-tech revolution that has been around for a while. But it’s reached peak attention recently with the advent and rapid adoption of generative AI (GenAI) apps like ChatGPT and Bard. But as interest and adoption increase, both are outpacing the availability of people with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to […]

The Death of Full-Time In-Office Work and the Rise of Tomorrow’s Corporate Titans

The image of the traditional 9-to-5, suited-up office workers spending their days in a cubicle farm is quickly fading into history. Full-time in-office work is dying, and the stake is being driven through its heart by the most innovative companies leading the future of business. Small but Mighty As we see in Scoop’s illuminating Q3 […]