Tag: future of work

The Death of Full-Time In-Office Work and the Rise of Tomorrow’s Corporate Titans

The image of the traditional 9-to-5, suited-up office workers spending their days in a cubicle farm is quickly fading into history. Full-time in-office work is dying, and the stake is being driven through its heart by the most innovative companies leading the future of business. Small but Mighty As we see in Scoop’s illuminating Q3 […]

The Changing Nature of Work

The labor market has undergone many fundamental shifts over the course of human history. The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture, the transition from agriculture to widespread factory work, and the shift from industrial labor to the information economy represent some of the most important headlines in this millennia-old trend. Employers and HR professionals […]

How to Reengage Dissatisfied Employees with Intelligent Automation

Job unhappiness is at an all-time high, according to Gallup’s State of the Workplace. The same report found that working women in the United States are among the most stressed employees on the planet. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the “Great Resignation,” roughly 1 million women are missing from the workforce nationwide. […]

4 Recruitment Chatbots You Need to Know About

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen the power of artificial intelligence (AI) explode in 2023. From ChatGPT to machine learning to virtual reality, AI has completely transformed our world, including many aspects of business. If your HR team isn’t using AI, you’re likely missing out on a multitude of benefits. Understandably, AI […]

7 Things Gen Z Workers Value Most

As digital natives, Gen Z workers have the potential to bring unique skills and valuable perspectives to the organizations where they work. Having experienced significant challenges at a young age, including the COVID-19 pandemic and entering the workforce during a period of considerable uncertainty, Gen Zs possess a distinctive combination of resilience and empathy that […]

Bridging Multigenerational Gaps in the Workplace in 2023

Since Boomers aren’t retiring as early due to the cost of living, there are four active generations in the workplace. Each generation has unique traits and perspectives – and these differences influence how people work, think, and communicate. As a result, co-workers of different ages are clashing, and organizations must bridge generational divides in the […]

How Companies Can Navigate New Pay Laws Currently in Effect

Since the start of the new year, many states have introduced pay compliance laws. As a result, companies are now faced with the difficult task of defining their compensation with clarity and making critical decisions about how pay ranges will be defined within their personnel budgets. Although it’s a tough job, there is a silver […]

Faces of HR: Donna Flynn on Reimaging Work & the Employee Experience

Donna Flynn never imagined that she would call herself a designer. At the time, she had earned her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Northwestern University. Prior to that, she had not only received a B.A. in Anthropology/African and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Colorado but was also a Fulbright Scholar. Flynn would go on to […]

Best of Learning & Development 2022

Learning and development has always been a staple in the world of human resources, and it’s growing ever-more important. Nearly 75% of leaders believe that L&D has become more influential over the past year. This comes as no surprise, as 76% of employees say they’re more likely to stay at a job that offers continuous […]

Future of Virtual Workspaces Must Transcend Zoom and VR Headsets

Over the course of the pandemic, much of our work shifted from physical spaces to video meeting software. While work-from-home policies alleviated the dangers of COVID transmission (for some), what many managers didn’t foresee was that productivity improved for 77% of employees, with staffers adding an equivalent of 1 extra day’s work to each week. […]