Tag: Gratitude

5 Methods to Express Gratitude and Workplace Celebrations

Great leaders understand the crucial role that gratitude and celebration play in cultivating an engaged, motivated, high-performing workforce. To foster a positive organizational culture, providing sincere, authentic praise is the most powerful gift a leader can give. Although leaders, like everyone else, want to feel valued and appreciated for the work they do, why do […]

Gratitude Can Reduce Worker Stress

Not receiving a “thank you” when holding a door open for a stranger at the store or when helping a friend with an errand can be disheartening and annoying, and it can even foster resentment. But while failing to express gratitude can rub the do-gooder the wrong way, it can also mean the not-so-grateful person […]

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Gratitude

Business leaders are resorting to a variety of measures to offset the “Great Resignation” trend, including offering pay raises and more flexible work schedules and expanding employee health and wellness programs. Yet, CNBC reports almost half of employees are looking for a new job or plan to soon. So, what else can managers do to […]


How HR Professionals Can Use Mindfulness to Support Themselves and Their Teams

You’re probably familiar with the safety announcement on flights about how if the cabin loses pressure, you should secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. This routine announcement is a good reminder of the importance of self-care, something that’s more critical for HR professionals than ever. According to a recent report from Paychex, 98% […]


Employees Say CEOs Not as Generous as They Think They Are

Self-awareness can be a very valuable leadership tool, but a recent survey shows that the C-suite in the U.S. could use a smidge more. Thnks recently surveyed over 250 CEOs and employees to understand the importance of gratitude in the workplace. Results showed that 88% of CEOs thought their employees would give them high marks […]


Don’t hesitate to tell your coworkers how much they mean to you

by Dan Oswald Sunday was Valentine’s Day. Here’s hoping you got to spend it with loved ones. My wife and I traveled to visit our daughter at college and got to spend the day with her. It was a good day and everything I could ask for to celebrate my February holiday. I remember as […]