Tag: hiring

Pointers for Supervisors: 11 Ways to Avoid Workplace Lawsuits

by Rita M. McKinney Supervisors can be an employer’s frontline of protection against costly discrimination claims — if they’re armed with the right information and training. Here are 11 important things every supervisor needs to know. Basic Training for Supervisors – easy-to-read guides to avoid legal hazards, covering more than 17 areas of supervisor training […]

Recession Hard on Black, Hispanic Job Hunters

According to a report released in November by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), African American and Hispanic workers were hit particularly hard during the first year of the current recession. The report notes that while “the overall labor market conditions deteriorated markedly in 2008 following the onset of the recession in December 2007 . […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

What people do matters a whole lot more than what they say they’ll do. This statement should not surprise anyone. Actions speak louder than words. Then why is it that “smooth talkers” and “big talkers” often bluff and bluster their way though life despite their actions being very different than their rhetoric? People get caught […]

Your Website, the Soul of Your Recruiting: Sinners Repent!

Most people look at the WOW factor when evaluating an organization’s career website, says Gerry Crispin, but that’s not the point. “Say you see a site filled with impressive technological tricks. That’s cool,” says Crispin, “but does it work?” The factor you really care about, he says, is the quality of candidates that the site […]

Bathroom Etiquette Should Not Influence Hiring

By Robert P. Tinnin, Jr. Q: This morning I interviewed an applicant for a clerical position in our company. She appeared to be an attractive, personable young woman and was very engaging during the interview. However, I soon learned that “she” is really a “he,” at least anatomically. She told me she is preparing to […]

Feds Will Audit—Shouldn’t You Do It First?

Yesterday’s Advisor covered Kurt Ronn’s tips for identifying potential discrimination in process. Today we’ll see his tips for evaluating execution and take a look at an audit program you can use to find such problems before the feds do. Even the best process, if poorly executed, will yield questionable results, says Ronn, president and founder […]

Economy Back-Burnering Compliance?

The economy is creating chaos, and the rapid changes in workplace laws don’t help—Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, changes in FMLA and COBRA, 1-9’s, E-Verify, ADAAA—the list goes on and on. Where should you be focusing? With all that is happening, it is easy to get distracted, even overwhelmed, says Kurt Ronn, the president and founder […]