Tag: hr management

How to Address the Great Resignation from Within

The recent resignation rates present a significant challenge for employers to attract and retain workers. When high-achieving, admired employees resign, coworkers and managers experience various feelings, especially those associated with uncertainty. Managers are responsible for executing processes and supporting teams and, therefore, must manage their reactions and strategically navigate an employee’s resignation to positively impact […]

Survey Data Shows How HR Can Navigate the Future Workplace

2021 continues to be a year of constant change for businesses and their HR departments. Companies are still navigating hybrid workspaces and adapting to new technologies, as well as working to improve hiring and employee retention programs in response to the “Great Resignation” and “Great Reshuffle.” With these dynamically shifting environments, HR departments are scrambling […]

Wayne Technologies Announces Executive Change and Redefines Corporate Culture

Wayne Technologies, Inc., a recruitment data services firm using the most advanced suite of technologies and strategies to identify relevant candidates, deliver an actionable data-set, and provide first-touch outreach services, announces the implementation of Radical Corporate Culture 2.0 (Radical C2). In light of recent growth and client acquisitions, Julia Adler, known as “Wonder Woman” in the […]

The Pervasiveness of Subjective Hiring

In today’s labor market, many employers are just happy to acquire any talent they can get their hands on. However, it’s still important for recruitment teams to focus on finding the best fit for the needs and culture of the organization. And with fewer candidates submitting applications, employers are well advised to carefully review available […]

Will Business Travel Ever Become the Norm Again?

The business trip was once such a fundamental aspect of corporate life that it was a staple of popular culture, including launching points for storylines in the film industry. Today, of course, things are much different. Restrictions on in-person gatherings and corporate-level and individual-level fears of COVID-19 transmission and air travel mean that traveling for […]


The Importance of Providing Employees with Uptraining Opportunities

Many companies are operating with a tighter budget in the wake of the pandemic. As such, business leaders have to make priority-driven decisions about how to spend their money, and where to allocate resources. This might lead some managers and decision-makers to skip uptraining opportunities for their employees in 2022. After all, your employees already […]


Is Unconscious Bias Training Making Matters Worse?

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs are all the rage, with Fortune 1000 companies spending roughly $1.5 million on DEI programs annually—all while slashing budgets in other critical areas. If this were merely a case of wasted corporate resources, that would be the good news. Yet the bad news is more alarming: Mounting evidence reveals […]

How to Have a Smooth Separation of Employment—Unlike Tom Brady

On February 1, 2022, Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady officially announced his retirement via Instagram. The word “officially” is key here, as news of Brady’s retirement initially leaked to the media a few days before, apparently causing Brady, the second-best quarterback of all time, much consternation. Suffice it to say, Brady’s separation from the […]

Equal Pay and Women’s Soccer

Well, here we go again: another compensation issue to dissect on the topic of “equal pay for equal work” or the “gender pay gap”—choose your preferred label. In this case, they are closely intertwined. This case specifically involves the U.S. women’s soccer team and the complaint it submitted to the U.S. Soccer Federation, claiming the […]

Building and Fostering Employee Resource Groups

At a time when talent pools are shrinking and turnover is at an all-time high, HR leaders are challenged with prioritizing initiatives that will both attract and retain employees in our new digital workplace. A survey found that 76% of jobseekers and employees rank a diverse workforce as an important factor when evaluating prospective employers […]