Tag: hr management


3 Ways Managers Can Help Emerging Talent Succeed in the Workplace

In the world of work, your emerging talent—those with less than 5 years of work experience—is the future of your organization. And in an era of record turnover, global turmoil, and a constant shift in the way we work, fostering the growth of that young talent to ensure they succeed is as important to the […]

Employers of Tipped Workers Advised to Be Ready for More Recordkeeping

Employers that take advantage of the “tip credit” will have to monitor and document their tipped employees’ tasks much more closely than they have in the past under a new rule from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The new rule, which takes effect December 28, says employers may take a tip credit only for […]

Thinking Small: How to Make Budgets Work in the Face of Uncertainty

As companies adapt to an increasingly unpredictable business environment, one thing is certain: The present and the future of work are undoubtedly digital. This reality presents both challenges and opportunities for organizations ready to adapt. Whether empowering hybrid workers to communicate and collaborate from anywhere in the world or managing spending across novel budget categories, […]


Soft Skills in High Demand

Soft skills are related to how individuals act, interact, react, and more and are often considered components of one’s personality. However, they can be learned or improved upon, though doing so isn’t as simple as with hard skills, and include things like resilience, communication, emotional intelligence, and more. Employers have always looked for soft skills […]


How to Enhance Your Healthcare Offerings in a Tight Labor Market

The post-pandemic race is on to attract new employees—and as HR and finance executives both know, the solution can’t always be higher wages. Fortunately, other factors still mean a lot to jobseekers in the revived economy. Casual Fridays and office snack bars may help, but as research shows, health insurance is still at or near […]

remote work

Recommendations for Employers Looking to Transition Employees Back to the Office

With the COVID-19 vaccine now widely available in the United States to those who are eligible, the percentage of Americans getting vaccinated is rising. This development is causing employers across the country to reflect on whether to call their employees who have been working remotely due to the pandemic back into the workplace. Many employees […]

VP of HR at T-Systems Recalls Unforgettable Termination Meeting

Meet Montserrat Salvany Ferrer, VP of Human Resources at T-Systems North America. She was recently nominated for the 2019 Digital Female Leadership Award in the IT-Tech Category, offered by Global Digital Women. Montserrat is responsible for nearly 400 employees in the North American branch. She has 20 years of HR experience that she uses to […]

Top 10 Best Practices in HR Management for 2013

Every year, BLR’s HR editors select ten key topics we think will be at the forefront in the following year, and we offer best practices for each topic. This year, we will feature free best practice reports under each category. Simply click on the links below to download the featured reports. More reports will be […]