Tag: HR

Probationary Period? Get Rid of It!

Yesterday’s Advisor featured legal tips about probationary periods. Today, Hunter “Please Sue Me” Lott says, “Get rid of your probationary period.” Otherwise you risk negating your employees’ at-will status. Lott says that any “probationary period” or “introductory period” (or as one company calls it, “comfort time”) is a threat to the employer’s at-will status because […]


Probationary Periods — Dangerous Device or Necessary Tool?

Many employers start employees off with probationary periods during which the employer can let the new employees go without worrying about just cause and lawsuits. Sounds good, but there’s a downside, says attorney Sandra Rappaport.

3 Big Employee Handbook Mistakes To Avoid

Many employers adopt a casual approach to their employee handbooks — which can quickly lead to lawsuits. A thought-out, well-crafted employee handbook is the best way to avoid this problem says attorney Elaina Smiley.

Benefits Trends: Employee Involvement Is Critical

Yesterday, Kristen Allison, president of Orange County-based Burnham Benefits Insurance Services, explained 5 of the top 10 benefits trends in 2011. Today, the rest of her top 10, and a new resource for 2011 that you’ll be turning to over and over throughout the year.

Who Should Prepare Your Job Descriptions?

While it is the HR department in most medium-sized and larger firms that performs the job analysis function and coordinates the writing of job descriptions, the entire process usually requires some input from other levels of the company hierarchy.

Are You Mismanaging Your Job Descriptions?

Job descriptions have traditionally suffered a poor reputation among managers and human resources professionals. In fact, job descriptions often end up being ignored – left at the bottom drawer of a file cabinet, neglected and rapidly becoming obsolete.