Would You Like Fries with That?

President Obama’s term is coming to an end, and with that, it’s time for his children to go to college, enter the workforce, and make something of themselves. The New York Times is reporting that daughter Malia will be attending Harvard in the fall of 2017, as she plans to take a much deserved “gap […]

Employees Buy $70,000 Car for CEO

Yes, you read that headline right! The Seattle Times is reporting that Gravity Payments employees have purchased a brand new Tesla Model S for their CEO.  You’ll remember that Gravity Payments is the same company responsible for increasing the salaries of all its employees, to $70,000 annually.

Is Vegan Discrimination a Real Thing?

In the case of one Portland, Oregon, doughnut shop, the answer to this question is, “Yes, vegan discrimination is a real thing.” However, the owner of the company has done his HR homework and covered his bases to avoid a charge of unlawful discrimination based on disability or religion.

Got 1 Hour to Kill? Let’s Do Lunch!

How do you spend your lunch break? That was one of the questions Fooda—an office lunch service company—asked in its recent survey. According to the survey, people who work in the communication and media industry tend to take the longest breaks (approximately 58 minutes), while people in the food and beverage industry tend to take […]

Déjà Vu? The Never-Ending Battle with Pokémon GO

In an article covered last week, HRSBT touched on social media and the new fad, Pokémon GO. Much to this author’s dismay, no one has been fired … yet, but a few websites are reporting workplace policies that are both for and against the game.

Pokémon Go-ing to Get You Fired!

It was only a matter of time before someone would get fired over Pokémon Go, the new mobile game that’s sweeping the world. Call me a sadist, but I’ve been eagerly awaiting stories to roll in for the sole purpose of reporting them in HRSBT. While this one particular employee wasn’t fired over the game […]