Addressing Indoor Heat Hazards (and Citations) in California

California’s outdoor heat illness prevention standard is the only one of its kind in the United States—and a recent ruling by the California Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board has made it so those working indoors are protected from heat hazards as well. The ruling comes after a worker suffered heat illness while inside a […]

What is an IIPP?

IIPP stands for Injury and Illness Prevention Program, also sometimes known as an I2P2. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) webpage within the Department of Labor’s (DOL) website[i], IIPPs are described as:

Legislation Special Report: Workers’ Compensation

Delay Penalties and Utilization Review AB 1557 provides that an employee isn’t entitled to the usual 10 percent increase in workers’ compensation benefits for an unreasonable delay in providing medical treatment if the delay was necessary to complete the new utilization review process required of employers by the workers’ comp reform legislation (see below).

Bulletin Item: More Legislation of Interest to Employers Awaiting the Governor’s Approval

In addition to the workers’ compensation bill discussed in this Bulletin, there are a number of other bills on Gov. Davis’s desk that could impact your employment practices. Here’s a quick summary of what they are: AB 1715 invalidates arbitration agreements affecting employment claims under the Fair Employment and Housing Act that are made a […]