Tag: IT

What HR Teams Need to Know About the Dark Web

As a human resources professional, you may think the dark web isn’t something you have to concern yourself with. In reality, it should be a major consideration for your department. After all, it affects you more directly than you might assume. What Is the Dark Web? While you’ve heard of the dark web, you probably […]

Why Sales and Customer Service Are Part of Everyone’s Job

Corporate functions often have a distinct if largely unspoken split between customer-facing and back-end roles. While salespeople, marketing teams, and customer service reps interact with groups of or specific customers on a regular basis, those with more behind-the-scenes roles may rarely interact with customers or potential customers in their day-to-day activities. But in today’s competitive […]


Outside Sales Exemption 101

If your organization is growing right now as the economy comes back to life, you may be considering expanding your sales force. Some organizations are looking to hire more sales people and may not already be familiar with the outside sales exemption that is part of the suite of exemptions to overtime pay regulations within […]


Helping Remote Employees Manage Stress

The pandemic has created a situation in which almost all employees who were able to work from home have started to do so. Many companies are now saying they are going to find ways to keep this transition after the virus is less of a risk in the future. After all, remote work means less […]


Tips for Directly Hiring Remote Employees

The coronavirus crisis has forced organizations to try out remote work arrangements whenever possible, whether they were ready to do so or not. Some organizations had been doing this for years, and the transition was pretty simple. Others had been resistant to the idea but came around because it was the best option to continue […]


What Is Reboarding?

Reboarding is the concept of bringing individuals back who were previous employees but away for some period of time. The idea is to modify onboarding for someone who is already familiar with your company but has been away. Reboarding is a big topic right now due to the thousands of employees being brought back to […]


Can You Set Too Many Goals?

Setting goals for employees is important. It helps establish clear expectations and guidelines, keeps the employer and employees on the same page, and is a major component of appropriate communication.


What Is Windowed Work?

Have you heard the term “windowed work”? It actually refers to a potentially familiar concept: breaking down the workday into discrete windows of time for different activities.


The Unemployed Are Making More Money—How Do We Recruit Them?

For organizations that are still operating or are reopening now or soon, many are facing the need to bring new employees onboard—either they are a business that is facing higher demand during the pandemic (such as grocery stores and food delivery services) or they are now able to reopen after being shut down for a […]


Activities to Promote Teambuilding for Remote Employees

Even as the country begins to reopen from coronavirus-related shutdowns, organizations are finding it may make sense to have many employees continue to work from home. For this shift to remote work to be successful long term, however, there are necessary components to help teams work well together with fewer in-person interactions.