Tag: Job Description

Performance Problem—Blame the Job Description?

Well-written and effectively developed job descriptions are communication tools that allow both employees and candidates to clearly understand the expectations of the role, its essential duties, competencies, and responsibilities, along with the required educational credentials and experience, says Kennedy. Kennedy is the principal consultant of MAKHR Consulting, LLC, and author of the career coaching book […]

Hard to Get Started with Job Descriptions? Use Our Questionnaire

Here’s a basic questionnaire (We got it from the SmartJobs CD.) that you can use to begin the job description process (or to review existing job descriptions): Job Description Questionnaire Instructions: Distribute copies of this questionnaire to supervisors, human resources staff members, job analysts, and others who may be involved in writing job descriptions. Ask […]

The 5 Questions that Identify Essential Functions

In fact, we turned to SmartJobs for the five questions that can help you decide whether a function is an essential function: 1. Does the position exist specifically to perform this function? For example, when a person is hired to proofread legal documents, the ability to proofread is an essential function. Or, for example, a […]

Social Media–Badmouthing, NLRB, Privacy

The eight tentacles come from a recent BLR/HRHero-sponsored webinar featuring Patricia Trainor, JD, and Stephen Bruce, PhD. Attorney Trainor is BLR’s Senior Managing Editor, HR; Bruce is editor of the HR Daily Advisor.  [Go here for tentacles 1 to 4.] Tentacle #5—Inappropriate/ Negative Actions Toward the Employer Release of “trade secrets” and other proprietary data […]

7 Deadly Sins Your Managers Are Committing—Right Now

Sin 1. Lust Sexual harassment continues to be a problem in the workplace. And it’s often worse when it’s a manager and a subordinate. Perhaps the most difficult challenge in training managers and supervisors about harassment is getting across the idea that what matters is the attitude of the receiver of the harassment, not the […]

How SPIFs Spawn Whalewatching … and Act Like Drugs

SPIFs are also a little like heroin, Dimisa says: The more you get the more you want, and it’s difficult to kick the habit. It’s hard to take the SPIFFs away. DiMisa is Senior Vice President, Sales Effectiveness Practice Leader for Sibson Consulting, and author of best-selling business book “The Fisherman’s Guide to Selling.” What’s […]

8 Do’s/Don’ts for Work-Ready Job Descriptions

Here are the BLR editors’ do’s and don’ts for worthwhile job descriptions that will really support HR operations. 1. DO give specifics For example, rather than stating that a maintenance worker "keeps up equipment," it is better to spell out the position’s requirements, which might include performing routine maintenance on assembly machines, including adjusting settings; […]

Yes, Better Job Descriptions Will Prevent Lawsuits

Specifically, how do job descriptions protect against lawsuits and money damages? Here are several ways job descriptions help. 1. Promote Proper Classification Recent multi-million-dollar lawsuits should be a wake-up call that good old wage-and-hour issues are worth a little attention, and job descriptions are a key factor. When job descriptions have proper detail, they help […]

Exploring the trickier aspects of hiring: What kills an applicant’s chances?

A few questions to consider about the hiring process: Is it the most rewarding aspect of an HR professional’s job? Is it a thorny task fraught with legal risk? Is it an exercise in frustration, frequently yielding undesirable candidates? For many HR pros, the answer to all three questions is likely yes. The economic downturn […]

Succession Planning 2012—All About the Brain Drain

We can’t avoid a simple fact—We’re dealing with an aging workforce. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that over one-third of the civilian employees working for the federal government are eligible for retirement. The same situation exists, but to a somewhat lesser degree, in the workforce as a whole. Companies can’t duck the […]