Tag: Job Descriptions

How AI Can Support Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

In today’s increasingly globalized world, diversity and inclusion (D&I) have emerged as critical components of successful companies. Particularly when enticing Gen Z members of the workforce, it would behoove companies to emphasize these efforts to create a workplace that doesn’t just do good by its customers but also does the right thing for its employees. […]

How Can HR Departments Utilize ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has proven that it isn’t going anywhere. The open AI software is being used by all kinds of industries to do everything from writing stories to solving math problems to composing emails. But can human resources—a human-centered endeavor—really benefit from utilizing a machine like ChatGPT? The answer is a resounding yes. HR departments are […]

Want Applicants to Beat a Path to Your Door? Beef Up Your Job Postings

It seems employers everywhere and in all lines of work too often struggle to find top quality job candidates. It’s not just employers who are frustrated. Jobseekers are equally exasperated because job postings often don’t tell them what they need to know. Recent research indicates that postings including information on an employer’s culture can help […]

3 Ways HR Can Win Hearts and Minds Through Better Storytelling

“We’re being forced back to the office.” “I literally fell asleep during training.” “AI is probably going to take my job.” These are all recent quotes from people close to me. Of course, you probably don’t need to chat with my friends and family to hear similar sentiments. A lot of workers are saying these […]

8 Tips for Writing Transparent Job Descriptions

In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent is essential. A well-written job description is fundamental for attracting qualified candidates and ensuring that only the most qualified candidates apply. Writing a clear and concise description can be difficult, however. Below, we’ve summarized eight tips for writing transparent job descriptions that effectively communicate the position and […]

5 Steps for Creating Inclusive Job Descriptions

Employers are coming to realize in increasing numbers the importance and value of creating job descriptions that reflect inclusivity. Carefully drafting descriptions to avoid traditional gender-based biases leads to many benefits, including promoting gender diversity and bolstering your recruitment efforts by attracting more qualified applicants for your open position. Step 1: Eliminate Gender-Bias There are […]

Are Your Job Postings Inclusive?

In an earlier post, we discussed how to make your job post shine. But is your posting inclusive?  We spoke with Katrina Kibben, Founder and CEO of Three Ears Media, to learn how to attract diverse talent. 


3 Tricks to Writing an Effective Job Description

If you’re trying to fill an open job position, chances are you know what that position is. But just because you know the job title doesn’t mean you have a firm grasp on the day-to-day duties of a role. Furthermore, when you look at the list of things the new employee will be expected to […]


Importance of Clearly Defined Job Roles

One of the most frustrating situations for a manager is expecting a deliverable while the rest of the team looks around the room or points fingers. At the same time, it can cause a lot of tension when multiple staff argue over who has “jurisdiction” or decision-making authority over a given situation.