
Google Blunder a Lesson for Trainers

A few weeks ago, we posted a series of blogs on blunders by entry- or low-level employees that ended up costing their companies big money. Unfortunately, Google has recently had its own blunder; we’ll discuss that here, as well as what we can learn from Google’s mistake.


Many Young Professionals Aren’t Sure About Career Path

Employee development is a two-way street. Employees have to want to grow and develop, to learn new skills, and to hone existing skills. And employers need to provide the structure, guidance, and transparency to show employees the path forward.


Pros and Cons of Encouraging Your Employees to Take MOOCs

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) that are administered on platforms like EdX and Udemy have grown in popularity and standing in the past few years, and many employers are starting to rely on them to teach their own employees in the workplace and are beginning to view them more favorably overall. Furthermore, 73% of employers […]


Should You Require Preemployment Knowledge-Based Tests?

Research indicates that 85% of job applicants lie on their résumés and job applications because employer application tracking systems expect exact matches from their applicant pools. So, applicants are getting smarter and tweaking their résumés to make it through these technological hurdles and to the first round of interviews.