Tag: Learning and Development


Jazzing Up Long E-Mails

“This meeting could have been an e-mail” has been a common office joke; the idea is that rather than use up workers’ valuable time, the information could have simply been presented in an e-mail. But consider what an entire meeting’s worth of information would look like in e-mail format: a long, dense manuscript many are […]


Multi-Skilling During the Great Resignation

The challenges of the Great Resignation are certainly not lost on employers, few of which expect any kind of turnaround in the near future. According to a new survey by Willis Towers Watson (WTW), 83% of employers expect to have problems attracting employees in 2022 compared with 62% that reported such difficulty in the first […]


How Can You Make the Most Of 2022? Focus On What You Can Control

There’s a lot going on in our lives and around us, and much of it we can’t control. You’ve heard that before, yet year after year many of us stress out trying to control too much or worrying about those uncontrollables, no matter how pointless it is – not to mention how damaging it can be […]


Learning and Development (L&D) Trends for 2022

It goes without saying that the last 2 years have posed unique challenges for companies in the United States and around the globe. Operations have been upended by constraints brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced businesses to close their doors, shift to widespread remote work, implement robust health and safety measures for […]

Favorites from 2021: Learning & Development

Over the past year, HR professionals have consistently adapted to the COVID-19’s ever changing circumstances. Leaders have found ways for employees to flourish in remote environments, and companies sought out new methods to maintain and develop company culture.

How New Technology is Changing Enterprise L&D

The drastic shifts brought on by COVID have underscored the need for organizations to provide ongoing career development opportunities to adjust to the changing times and remote workforce. Providing learning opportunities to keep employee talent ahead of the curve is imperative to retention. However, roughly 75% of the global enterprise learning spend is wasted, according […]

Get Ready, Get Set, Pivot! Soft Benefits Requests on the Rise in 2022

Whether on the front line or in upper management, employees who span a wide range of industries are looking for benefits beyond traditional fringe benefits such as medical, dental, and vision. Those other benefits, known as soft benefits, include perks like remote work options and flex scheduling and are expected to increase in demand even […]

4 Strategies for Building a New Foundation for Effective eLearning

Before the coronavirus pandemic, you likely herded your employees into conference rooms at least once a quarter for an instructor-led training session or a lunch-and-learn. And you probably saw good returns on those efforts. After all, professional development opportunities directly impact your employees’ on-the-job satisfaction, productivity, and retention. All that changed in March 2020. Suddenly, you couldn’t […]

How to Use Audio-Based Learning as Part of the Modern L&D Toolkit

Employees are more than a little screen-exhausted. Who can blame them? It’s common for a worker to move from laptop to smartphone and back again for more than 6 hours daily. How, then, do you get your team members excited about training content? The answer is clear: You offer them eyes-free solutions in the form of […]

Developing Employees Through Practical Delegation

Look at the calendars of most managers and executives, and you’ll see they’re packed with meetings. Subordinates struggle to gain a little face time or get help with a tricky issue, and colleagues struggle to find time for collaboration. Their best chance is often scheduling a meeting several days or even weeks out, and even […]