Tag: Learning and Development

4 Tips For C-Level Leaders to Manage Teams in Crisis

In 2007, Nokia was the leading manufacturer of mobile phone devices; its annual revenue was $75.83 billion, and its market share was 49.4%. But in 2008, when Steve Jobs walked onto a stage and pulled an iPhone out of his pocket, Nokia’s market share plummeted. The era of smartphones requires managers to lead processes and […]

The Great Reskilling: 5 Ways to Put L&D Opportunities at Eye Level for Your Employees

Picture this: You’re the CEO of a large manufacturing company. During your weekly executive team meeting, your VP of supply chain announces that a third of your overseas suppliers are going offline next quarter. Once you pick your jaw up off the floor, you correctly view this development as an existential threat to your business. […]

How To Knit Continuous Learning into Your Employees’ Workflow

The 2022 L&D Global Sentiment Survey shows employees place the most importance on the field of reskilling and upskilling in 2022. The number is historically high at 12.5%, though down from 2021. Social learning at 9.6% and personalization at 8.1% take second and third place in the survey table, respectively. It’s no secret that half […]

Turning Frequent Mistakes into Real-Life Training Opportunities

It can be tremendously frustrating to encounter the same mistake or oversight over and over again at work. Maybe it’s something as relatively benign as multiple employees forgetting to include certain information in their e-mail signatures, or maybe it’s something more serious, like repeated instances of employees downloading malicious applications or failing to follow data […]

Has Remote Work Contributed to Work Creep?

When millions of Americans shifted indefinitely to remote work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, nights spent working late at the office became a thing of the past. No more staying late at work because workers never went to work—physically at least. But that, of course, didn’t mean workers weren’t putting in long hours. […]

Training vs. Education

Training and education are clearly related concepts. However, we tend to use them in different contexts. Education is typically thought of as broad-based and general, at least with respect to a particular field—i.e., studying British history or thermodynamics. In contrast, training tends to be much more specific, such as training to operate a forklift or […]

Tips to Help HR Professionals Tackle Their Development Goals

Maybe you’ve just started working at a new job and already have your sights set on a promotion in the future, or perhaps you’re feeling unfulfilled in your current industry and are curious about changing fields. No matter your career objectives, you need to set clear goals in order to get to where you want […]

The Growing Importance of People Development as Part of the Employer Value Proposition

There was a time when employers’ primary value proposition to potential employees was financial compensation: A good hourly wage, a strong salary, and/or a lucrative bonus structure was often all the motivation many workers needed to apply for a job. But, as the importance (and expense) of other lifestyle needs has grown, benefits like health, […]

Companies Continue Increasing L&D Spending

With wage pressures pushing employee compensation demands higher and inflation and supply chain issues further straining employer finances, one might expect that budgets for learning and development would shrink or even be put on hold while the storms pass.

How HR Professionals Can Help Employees Adapt to Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is, well, transformative. In many ways, this can be a deeply positive thing for companies, employees, and consumers alike. However, no matter how beneficial, change is not always easy. This is especially true for your employees, who are likely to feel pretty comfortable with the status quo, have habituated themselves to their job […]