Tag: Mary Topliff

How can employers reduce FMLA/CFRA abuse?

Employers have the right to curb FMLA/CFRA abuse, but must do so in a way that doesn’t hinder employees from taking their protected leaves. It can be a fine line to walk. Thankfully, employers do have some options.

Minimize intermittent leave scheduling issues

In California, employers have to juggle both FMLA and CFRA laws, and both allow protected leave on an intermittent basis. Intermittent leave is perhaps the most difficult aspect of FMLA/CFRA leaves because it presents operational and scheduling issues and inconveniences that can be frustrating for employers. Understanding intermittent leave and what can be done to minimize these frustrations and scheduling issues can go a long way toward easing the implementation of FMLA/CFRA leaves.

What is intermittent leave and how is it calculated?

What is intermittent leave? Are employers required to provide it? The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) provide legal rights for eligible employees to take up to 12 work-weeks of job-protected time off in a 12-month period (and 26 work-weeks for servicemember leave). This time off may be […]

Harassment: What Does the Recent “Spanking” Lawsuit Teach Us About Where Fun Ends and Harassment Begins?

The recent “spanking” lawsuit—where the “all-in-good-fun” spanking ended up with an expensive lawsuit—has got us thinking. We like our employees to enjoy themselves at work. How do we draw the line between fun, jokes, and good-natured teasing, and sexual—or other—harassment? — Gretchen, HR Manager in Morro Bay