Tag: mental health and wellbeing

Should You Disclose Invisible Disabilities? Why or Why Not

Many workers with “invisible” disabilities, including mental health and neurological conditions, hesitate to disclose them to their employers due to fear of discrimination or bias, despite increased awareness and reduced stigma surrounding these conditions. ​​Approximately 50 million American adults live with mental, emotional, or behavioral conditions, and around 5.5 million have autism. The National Institutes […]

Tackling Loneliness in the Workplace: Challenges and Solutions

Loneliness in the workplace affects many employees, with detrimental impacts on mental health and productivity. Various studies have highlighted the prevalence of this problem, particularly in the context of remote and hybrid working models that became more common during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Here I will explore key factors contributing to workplace loneliness, suggesting […]

Faces of HR: From Counselor to Champion—Denise Kulikowsky’s Journey to CPO

Denise Kulikowsky’s path to CPO at Tapestry wasn’t a traditional climb up the corporate ladder. It began with a deep desire to understand and support people – a passion evident in her undergraduate degree in Psychology and master’s in counseling. Her initial foray into social work laid the groundwork for empathy and human connection, skills […]

Is Tech Still Best for Workplace Wellbeing?

It really is incredible how far we’ve come with mental health at work, even if there’s still a long way to go. Before the pandemic, engaging with organizations on mental health was much more of an education piece; encouraging leaders and decision-makers to think about the wellbeing of their people, motivated primarily by its links […]

Mental Health in the Workplace

In recent years, mental health has become a central topic in workplace discussions, reflecting a broader shift toward well-being and employee support. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of mental health and are implementing innovative programs to help employees manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Emergence of Mental Health Awareness With the rise […]

Why Leaders Should be Creating a Culture of Genuine Employee Well-Being 

Human sustainability and employee well-being are consistently innovating board-level agenda items. However, despite leaders feeling positive about their efforts and initiatives, statistics indicate that workers are not so convinced.  According to Deloitte’s latest Well-being at Work survey, 74% of employees say improving their well-being is more important than career advancement. Human sustainability, therefore, is still […]

Holistic Employee Advancement: Ensuring Success Beyond Promotion

It’s what we’re all supposed to be striving for at work: the promotion. The holy grail of employment. However, according to ADP research, recently promoted people are more likely to quit their jobs. Why might frontline workers, specifically, quit when faced with new roles? They may encounter a gap between their skills and those required […]

4 Employee Retention Tactics That Actually Work

Employee retention is on the mind of every human resources professional. While the job market may finally be settling down a bit and the great resignation isn’t as great as it once was, it’s still important to keep your employees working and your business running. If you’re unable to retain employees, what happens? First of […]

Safety Resources: What Today’s HR Leaders Need to Know About Workplace Violence

While corporate security experts are instrumental in helping to prevent workplace violence, HR professionals play a critical role in preventing and mitigating threats in the workplace. With that in mind, HR decision-makers need to keep their finger on the pulse of a rapidly evolving threat landscape, appreciating where new and elevated threats are coming from […]

Overcoming the Motherhood Penalty with Innovative Benefit Design

It’s well established that working mothers experience the ‘motherhood penalty’ including workplace disadvantages around pay, advancement, and benefits. While one company cannot change this for all working mothers, it’s the responsibility of leaders to make their organizations a place where women want to work and will feel supported, elevated and appreciated. Companies must build company […]