Tag: Mental Health


Rethinking Workplace Mental Health: Navigating the Pandemic’s Impact

In the blur of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers around the world scrambled to implement mental health solutions and strategies to support their workforce. But as things have (mostly) returned to normal, a critical question has surfaced: Have these efforts made a meaningful impact? The rise of therapy within the U.S. accompanied by the continued fall […]

4 Ways to Support Employee Mental Health Year ‘Round

Employers and benefits professionals play a crucial role in helping organizations support the mental and physical wellbeing of employees, not only during notable times of workplace stress and pressure, but all year ‘round. When you consider recent data that shows 92% of people feel it’s important that their employer supports their mental health, the rationale […]

EntertainHR: Employer’s Guide to Navigating Mental Health in the Workplace

In just a few short weeks, the world will tune in to watch the most talented athletes in the planet beat world records and achieve what no one has done before. After years of training, it will all come down to that one race, that one floor exercise. With cameras in their face and millions […]

5 Tips to Help Your Employees Care for their Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month – a great time to take stock of your company’s mental health programs and your own emotional wellbeing journey. Approximately one third of employees report struggling with depression or anxiety, according to our Global Benefits Attitude Survey. And employers are well aware of the toll the pandemic is still taking […]

Wellbeing 101: How Healthcare Leaders Provide Support and Build Resiliency

Being a nurse is difficult. The job entails long hours, substantial workloads, and the heavy emotional burden of guiding patients through some of the toughest moments of their lives. Nurse wellbeing is essential to the success of a health system, and it is the CNO’s job to make sure they are providing programs and support […]

Adapting and Advancing: Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape of Mental Health

Daily life has gotten harder to navigate. From shifting expectations around how we work, to the pressures of family life, to an increasing number of traumatic incidents that touch too many lives, our collective wellbeing is struggling. And for too long, talking about our mental wellbeing in the workplace—where we spend hundreds of hours of […]

Designing Workplaces that Promote Mental Well-Being

Designing indoor spaces that promote mental well-being in the workplace is more than a trend; it is a crucial step toward cultivating a productive and content workforce. Here’s how thoughtful design can create visually appealing and emotionally supportive workspaces, enhancing overall employee well-being. Why Design for Well-Being Our surroundings play a pivotal role in our […]

5 Workforce and Career Trends for 2024

As technology, demographics and cultural movements evolve, so do careers and workplaces. Today, the United States is undergoing a significant transformation in both the nature of work and how people engage in it, largely propelled by remote work and the rapid advancements in AI and digitalization following the pandemic. While the full extent of these […]

8 Mental Health Tips for Coping with Layoffs

Losing a job can hurt not only your bank account – but also your mental well-being. The aftermath of a layoff can leave you feeling a wide array of emotions, and it’s important to recognize that the impact of unemployment extends far beyond finances and career trajectories. Layoffs Affect Mental Health: Going from having a […]

Uncovering the Connection: Caregiving, Burnout, and the Workplace

Burnout is the state of mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and can manifest both physically and mentally, with symptoms like insomnia, irritability, fatigue, and a general lack of motivation. Burnout is increasingly prevalent in workplaces, leading to heightened absenteeism, a trend of “quiet quitting,” and employee turnover. Its repercussions can have significant economic impacts.  […]