Tag: misconduct

Utah Bans Nondisclosure Agreements for Sexual Harassment and Misconduct

Harvey Weinstein, originally known for being a cofounder of Miramax, has infamously become synonymous with sexual misconduct. Over the course of at least 20 years, he sexually assaulted and harassed multiple women, successfully concealing his actions by using nondisclosure agreements. It wasn’t until one brave woman spoke up that an end was put to his […]

How Employers Can Prevent Misconduct Within a Remote Workforce

With an estimated 36.2 million Americans working remotely by 2025, working from home has become the new norm. Although remote work has its benefits, it also diminishes open lines of communication between employers and employees, leading to issues in the workplace that go unacknowledged as a consequence of a dispersed workforce. Cyberbullying, harassment, and discrimination […]


#MeToo’s Unexpected Consequence Regarding Sexual Harassment Discussions

The #MeToo movement fundamentally changed the conversation around sexual harassment, misconduct, and assault in the United States and around the world. Before the start of the movement, such behavior was not accepted, but #MeToo brought a heightened sense of awareness to these issues, as well as much greater accountability, particularly for those in positions of authority.


The ‘Unwritten Rules’ of Employment

I like watching baseball. Few things in life beat going to a weekday day game during the summer at Oracle Park (or even the Oakland Coliseum). Yet sadly, due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak, Major League Baseball has canceled the remainder of its spring training games and the 2020 regular season will be delayed by at […]


Sexual Harassment Training Post #MeToo

In 2017, America and the world saw the emergence of the #MeToo movement. In the wake of the headline-grabbing accusations against high-power movie executive Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo movement led to hundreds of accusations of sexual misconduct, harassment, and assault against high-profile men across a number of industries.

When Skies Aren’t So Friendly: Airplanes Can Be Hotbed of Harassment, Sexual Assault

Ahh, the luxury of flying. Getting to sit incredibly close to strangers, being cut off from your e-mail, and having a delicious choice of broken cookies or bland pretzels to snack on. What’s not to love? Well, now you can add sexual predators to that charming list of in-flight hazards.

These 6 Steps Companies Should Take to Adapt in the #MeToo Era

The #MeToo movement has empowered women and men to speak out about their personal experiences with sexual harassment in and around the workplace. People may choose to speak out in various ways—for example, by reporting a formal complaint to their employer, sharing their allegations on social media, or making other public disclosures. The discussions—and sometimes […]

“Ambien Made Me Do It!”

As we previously covered, in late May, Roseanne Barr went on a late-night Twitter tirade that included racial insults about a former official in the Obama administration.  ABC responded hours later by condemning Barr’s Twitter statement as “abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with [its] values.” The network then cancelled her namesake show. Attempting to explain her […]