Tag: obesity

The Weight of Perception: Obesity and Workplace Bias

As a country and as a society overall, we’ve always thought about and had discussions about “weight loss” and “diets”. However, in recent times, the spotlight on obesity and its treatment has intensified. Some of that can be attributed to the fascination with Ozempic. After all, the New Yorker named 2023 the “Year of Ozempic” […]

Hyper-Personalization Nets Wellness Results

You may be aware of the statistics about the alarming rate of obesity in the United States, and the health issues that come along with it. Citizens here have an impressive level of personal freedom, and many of us use it to pursue happiness in unhealthy ways.

What a Gas! Frequent ‘Farter’ Fired for Flatulence

Say that three times fast! We all know that flatulence is a part of our bodily functions, but most of us know when it’s appropriate to cut the cheese, and when it’s not. For one man, though, his frequent flatulence caused his termination. Was this disability discrimination or a load of hot air?

When is Obesity a Disability?

Recently, the American Medical Association (AMA) has declared obesity to be a disease. This has implications for employers, since obesity may now also be considered a disability in certain circumstances. table style=”padding: 15px;” align=”right”> When is Obesity a Disability? To see when it might be possible that obesity may be declared a disability, let's take […]

Is Obesity a Disease?

In June 2013, the American Medical Association officially voted to classify obesity as a disease. While this classification doesn’t have legal weight, it provides support for individuals arguing that obesity should be considered a protected ADA disability—which could open the door for discrimination claims. Let’s take a look at the rationale behind this change. Obesity […]

A new wave of litigation: obesity related disability discrimination

by Julia M. Hodges Obesity is a disease, according to the American Medical Association (AMA). The AMA’s recent declaration has a multitude of implications for employers, including the potential for increased disability-related litigation. Whether courts will decide to consider obesity a disability under the law remains to be seen, but employers everywhere should beware.  Obesity […]

Don’t Tell Michelle! Why Workers Really Stand Up at Work

Most Americans have to sit all day at work, and they despise it. A new survey commissioned by Ergotron, manufacturer of furniture and mobility products, found that employees hate sitting, yet 86 percent do it all day, every day. But what motivates them to stand up? Don’t tell Michelle! Some results of Ergotron’s second survey […]

AMA says obesity is a disease: What does this mean for you?

by Jonathan R. Mook The American Medical Association (AMA) has officially designated obesity as a disease. In doing so, it explained that obesity is a “multi-metabolic and hormonal disease state” that leads to unfavorable outcomes like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The AMA’s action has focused renewed attention on the so-called obesity epidemic and […]