Tag: onboarding

Do You Measure Your Onboarding Results?

Onboarding is key to any HR unit. It’s a critical time in an employee’s early development and sets the stage for the rest of his or her time with your organization. Just as with meeting a new person, first impressions matter.


Do You Measure Your Onboarding Results?

Onboarding is key to any HR unit. It’s a critical time in an employee’s early development and sets the stage for the rest of his or her time with your organization. Just as with meeting a new person, first impressions matter.

The Value of Cognitive Assessments for Recruiting

Currently, the global cognitive assessment and training market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32.39% from 2018–2022. So, it’s becoming apparent that many organizations spanning many industries are beginning to see the value of cognitive assessments and how cost-effective they are, especially when recruiting and onboarding new hires.


The Value of Cognitive Assessments for Recruiting

Currently, the global cognitive assessment and training market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32.39% from 2018–2022. So, it’s becoming apparent that many organizations spanning many industries are beginning to see the value of cognitive assessments and how cost-effective they are, especially when recruiting and onboarding new hires.


Alternative Employee Assessment Methods

In a previous post, we discussed some of the challenges inherent in traditional methods of employee assessment, specifically the fact that review of résumés and in-person interviews tend to focus too much on the objective skills of the employee rather than the subjective needs of the organization.