Tag: opportunities


SWOT, SOAR can be your compass on a strategic planning trek

Few would argue about the importance of strategic planning for organizational success. Almost no one would push for rushing blindly into the future with no goals or plans for what kind of talent to acquire. But embarking on long-term planning can be daunting if no thought goes into what direction to take. Methods exist, though, […]

When opportunity knocks

by Dan Oswald Abraham Lincoln once said, “I will prepare and some day my chance will come.” And for Lincoln, the opportunities did come in large part because he created them. He was known for his hard work and determination. But it all started with two things: his willingness to prepare and his understanding that […]

Letting go of yesterday

by Dan Oswald Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it well and serenely with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. —Ralph […]

seizine opportunity

Seizing opportunities

Recently, I wrote about the importance of consistent, dedicated effort on a daily basis, quoting Woody Allen, “90 percent of success is showing up.” Some might ask, as they have, “Doesn’t it take more than having your butt in a chair?” Of course it does. Consider a student with perfect attendance. She’s at school each […]

Why consultants give consultants a bad name

I consider myself reasonably open to new ideas and exploring new opportunities, but the other day when a financial consultant began questioning some things we have and have not done in our business I felt my temperature begin to rise. I must admit it was my idea to take this consultant and his colleague to […]

Encourage Workplace Experiences that Inspire, Motivate Employees

I had a conversation about Christmas the other day with my 15-year-old son. We were talking about the gifts he might like to get when our conversation turned to things he’d like to do. Might he prefer tickets to a concert or a ballgame instead of a new iPod or video game? The idea seemed […]

Young Worker

Don’t Overlook Younger Workers’ Potential

I’m not much of a golf fan. I certainly can’t play the game and only have a passing interest in it as a spectator. Like the rest of the world, however, I did notice when young Rory McIlroy won the U.S. Open a couple of weeks ago. It’s amazing to see a 22-year-old at the […]

Clean Slate

As I write this, it is the final day of 2010. We are on the eve of a new year and with it comes a clean slate, a blank canvas on which you can create the type of year you want in 2011. January 1 marks the beginning of a new year. Janus, for whom […]

Secret of Success

I’ve been thinking about self-discipline a lot lately. Maybe it’s because I’m carrying around an extra 20 — OK, 25 — pounds and wondering how I allowed myself to get to this point. Obviously, I haven’t been as disciplined with my eating and workout regimen as I need to be. But self-discipline is the key […]