Tag: overtime

SCOTUS to Review Affirmative Action, OFCCP Wants Disability ‘Goals

Supreme Court Review While the case the Supreme Court will hear involves public colleges and universities, the ruling could eventually impact other courts’ decisions on affirmative action programs outside of higher education, notes BLR Legal Editor Susan Schoenfeld. In 2003, the Supreme Court ruled in Grutter v. Bollinger that public colleges and universities could not […]

Smart Compensation Strategies for Small Employers: How to Maximize Your Budget

What’s Different About “Small Business”? When it comes to running compensation, small business have several challenges, says Wudyka, who is managing principal of Westminster Associates in Wrentham, Massachusetts. His tips came during a recent webinar sponsored by BLR. Small businesses, he says: Need “flexibility.” Small businesses need flexibility in anything they do when it comes […]

Paterno Responses Range from ‘Despicable’ to ‘Very Well Written’

There was, however, one resounding commonality. Overwhelmingly, readers showed distain for the manner of Paterno’s termination—over the phone after 61 years of service. There’s a sampling of the comments below; readers may also want to read the original article or read all the comments in their entirety. A Sampling of Comments Your article—and all the […]

10 Dogooder Acts that Drive Good Salespeople to the Competition

Stevens is Vice President of R&D at Chally Group Worldwide, a global leadership, sales potential, and performance measurement firm. [Go here for Mistakes 1 to 6] MISTAKE 7: Being a Do-Gooder Since most sales managers enjoy influencing other people, they tend to pride themselves on improvements they see in their sales forces. They have a […]

Want to Discourage Your Best Salespeople? Here’s How

Even with the best of intentions, you can incentivize your best people to leave, says Stevens. Chally Group Worldwide is a global leadership, sales potential, and performance measurement firm. Here are Stevens’ top 10 mistakes in incentive contest design that drive the best salespeople away: MISTAKE 1: Trying to Keep Everybody Happy Poor performers needn’t […]

Managing Bosses, Be They Remarkable, Toxic or Perilous

Wasylyshyn. a licensed psychologist and executive advisor, is founder of the Leadership Development Forum, which provides practical guidance for improving your work experience. I Have a Remarkable Boss Remarkable bosses are well-attuned to the concerns and aspirations of others, blend both facts and people considerations in their decision-making, and have healthy egos focused on business […]

What’s Penn State Mean for Comp Pros? More Harassment Cases

Sexual harassment charges had been declining somewhat, but the recent publicity will reverse that trend, says Schickman, who is a partner at Freeland Cooper & Foreman LLP in San Francisco. His remarks came at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas. Schickman is a member of the Employers Counsel Network, and edits the BLR/HRhero […]

When EEOC Suggests Mediation, Should You Say ‘Yes’?

Schickman is a partner at Freeland Cooper & Foreman LLP in San Francisco. His remarks came at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas. EEOC staffers have a lot of cases, and they want to get cases into their “resolved” file. Also, he adds, you often get some relief on document production and reporting […]

The 6 Scary Phrases to Avoid in Appraisals

West, principal at Employment Practices Specialists in Pacifica, California, offered her suggestions at SHRM’s annual conference and exhibition, held recently in Las Vegas. Here are her six scary phrases: 1. ‘You’re overcommitted’ When you say this, the applicant will hear: “Has kids and won’t stay late.” Sounds like discrimination. 2. ‘You lack skills necessary to […]

New Rules Proposed to Provide FLSA Protections to In-Home Care Workers

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is proposing a rule change that would expand minimum wage and overtime protections for many employees in the home-care industry. A statement from the White House on December 15 said that if implemented, the proposed rule would affect nearly two million workers who provide in-home care services for the […]