Tag: overtime

Instant Gratification for HR Managers!

Visit our instant download site and purchase only what you need—from in-depth focus reports to a single policy—and you get it at lightning speed as an instant download, with no shipping cost or waiting. Go ahead and try any of the links below to see what’s available, and then please let us know what you […]

9 Ways to Maximize Comp in Tough Times

Here’s are Wudyka’s 9 top tips for 2011:  1. Reexamine Your Pay Program  The bad economy has produced a tremendous opportunity for us to improve our compensation plans, Wudyka says. For example, consider gainsharing, he suggests. It only pays out when company does better.  2. Reallocate Comp Dollars  Re-examine the way that you allocate comp […]

4 Tips for Employers Navigating Employment Waters in Puerto Rico

by Sylmarie Arizmendi of Arizmendi & Sanfilippo Often U.S. employers doing business in Puerto Rico assume that certain basic elements of the employment relationship are the same in Puerto Rico as they are stateside. That leads employers to expose themselves to liability because of differences in the employment laws. This article highlights four essential differences […]

Dress Code Considerations for a Diverse Workforce

By Carolyn A. Wade Society’s standards (or lack thereof) regarding clothing and grooming have certainly changed over the last 50 years. Taking a trip on an airplane used to mean “dressing up” and wearing the kind of clothes you would wear to church ― a suit and tie or a dress and heels. Now people […]


Employers Whose Employees Work in California Are Subject to State Overtime Laws

By Chris McFadden Employers that require workers to travel to and work within California may be subject to the state’s overtime laws even though their employees are nonresidents. The California Supreme Court decided last week that the California Labor Code applies to the overtime claims of three nonresident instructors who performed work within the state. […]

DOL, IRS, Congress Want to ‘Help’ Workers Who Think They Are Misclassified as Independent Contractors

by Vaughn Burkholder and Tara Eberline What do the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and Congress have in common? Sound like a setup for a bad joke? The punch line is that each of those federal entities has announced its intention to focus on employers’ misclassification of employees as independent […]

DOL Cleanup Regs Enact Technical Changes While Rejecting More Substantive Concerns

On April 5, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a set of final “cleanup” regulations, bringing the existing Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations up to date with the technical changes and statutory enactments that have passed over the past few years. For example, the regulations, which took effect today, update figures and computations […]

Random Thoughts on FLSA Administrative Exemption

by Kara E. Shea I’ve been working with several clients lately on Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) compliance issues — specifically, on exemption classification audits. During an audit, I review all the jobs an employer has deemed exempt from overtime under the FLSA and try to decide whether the positions have been correctly classified. It’s […]

Who Is Exempt under the FLSA?

by Gary S. Fealk Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), certain employees may be exempt from overtime pay. Mastering HR: Overtime Executive, administrative, and professional employees An employee whose job duties fall within the executive, administrative, or professional category may be exempt from overtime pay if he is paid on a salary basis. Under […]

Employer Bears All Risk for Unpaid Interns

An enthusiastic and energetic individual approaches you with a proposal to volunteer his time to gain valuable experience in your industry. “After all,” reasons the prospective volunteer, “how can I get my first job if I have no experience in the field of my choice?” Sounds like a win-win situation, doesn’t it? Like many win-win […]